
The pathogenetic bases of cardiorenal syndrome
Beloglazova I., Mogutova P., Poteshkina N.
Experience with ebrantil used in patients with resistant arterial hypertension in chronic kidney disease
Semenova R., Musina N.
Belenky D., Galushko E.
Smirnov A., Petrischev N., Mnuskina M., Panina I., Pumyantsev A., Vasina E., Achkasova V., Menshutina M.
Determination of subepithelial deposits of IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase: practical experience with application for diagnosis of gluten-sensitive celiac disease
Vokhmyanina N., Kozlov A., Parfenov A., Oreshko L., Vokhmyanina N., Kozlov A., Parfenov A., Oreshko L.
Hematologic disorders in celiac disease
Parfenov A., Parfenov A.
The role of leptin, adiponectin and insulin-resistance markers in development of early stages of chronic kidney disease and atherosclerosis of carotid arteries in obese patients
Saginova E., Gallyamov M., Severova M., Surkova O., Fomin V., Ermakov N., Rodina A., Mukhin N., Saginova E., Gallyamov M., Severova M., Surkova O., Fomin V., Ermakov N., Rodina A., Mukhin N.
Results of 24-h pH monitoring in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease before and after fundoplication
Yanova O., Vasnev O., Yanova O., Vasnev O.
New aspects of using dihydropyridine calcium antagonists during coronary bypass surgery
Vecherskiy Y., Andreev S., Murashev B., Vechersky Y., Andreyev S., Murashev B.
The topical issues of the terminology, classification, and statistics of acute forms of ischemic heart disease
Boytsov S., Yakushin S., Nikulina N., Boitsov S., Yakushin S., Nikulina N.
Lower extremity deep vein thrombosis associated with gluten-sensitivity celiac disease
Baryshnikov E., Krums L., Vorob'eva N., Parfenov A., Baryshnikov E., Krums L., Vorobyeva N., Parfenov A.
Circulating leptin and the trophological status of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Beloborodova E., Akimova L., Asanova A., Burkovskaya V., Kritskaya N., Beloborodova E., Akimova L., Asanova A., Burkovskaya V., Kritskaya N.
Correlations between the levels of vitamin D, parathormone, calcium, blood phosphates in patients with chronic disease of the kidneys untreated with replacement renal therapy
Smirnov A., Volkov M., Galkina O., Zhloba A., Emanuel' V., Smirnov A., Volkov M., Galkina O., Zhloba A., Emanel V.
Difficulties in evaluating the efficacy of antiplatelet therapy in clinical practice
Buryachkovskaya L., Uchitel' I., Sumarokov A., Popov E., Buryachkovskaya L., Uchitel I., Sumarokov A., Popov E.
Efficacy of one combined inhalation drug in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma depending on the disease duration
Ovcharenko S., Akulova M., Ovcharenko S., Akulova M.
Resistance to desaggregants: causes, clinical implication, methods of diagnosis and correction
Kremneva L., Shalaev S., Kremneva L., Shalaev S.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and associated illnesses
Chuchalin A.
Psychological characteristics of adult patients with celiac disease
Oreshko L.
Variants of renal affection in Wilson-Konovalov disease
Rakhimova O.
Progressiveazotemia provoked by ACE inhibitor in renal ischemia
Fomin V., Taronishvili О., Shvetsov M., Shilov E., Moiseev S., Kushnir V., Sorokin Y.
Efficacy of a complementaryantiinflammatory treatment with erespal in chronic obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis
Volkova L., Budkova A., Filonova N., Khristolyubova E., Kutuzova E., Koroleva N., Radzivil Т., Aminova Z., Chuchalin A.
Exercise and nicotinic acid delayed action drug - enduracin: application in outpatient rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease
Oganov R., Aronov D., Krasnitsky V., Perova N., Olferyev A., Smolensky A., Novikova N., Vygodin V.
Clinicohemodynamic efficacy of a selective beta-blocker bisoprolol and cytoprotector trimetazidine in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure in patients with ischemic heart disease
Fedorova Т., Ilyina Y., Sotnikova Т., Rybakova M., Loschits N.
Prevalence of ischemic heart disease, its main risk factors and efficacy of long-term multifactorial prevention at enterprises in some regions of the Russian Federation
Tozhiev M., Norbekov M., Shestov D., Khvan Y., Vorobyev A., Terebov A., Suyundikov S., Marchenko A., Kashirina M., Klimova M., Makritsa A., Bondarenko V., Teplyakov V., Avdeeva G.
The state of theleft ventricle of the heart and 24-h profile of arterial pressure in patients with effort angina and episodes of painlessmyocardial ischemia
Mazur E., Mazur V., Tkhind В., Omar I.
Hypertensive disease is the main cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Russia
Gogin E.
Efficiency of three-stage rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases
Ilnitsky A.
Evidence base for specific pulmonary vasodilators in adults with congenital heart disease
Shmalts A., Gorbachevsky S.
Development of program therapy for patients with acute myeloid leukemia under the age of 60 years, based on the principles of differentiated effects
Parovichnikova E., Lukianova I., Troitskaya V., Drokov M., Kuzmina L., Sokolov A., Kokhno A., Fidarova Z., Galtseva I., Davydova Y., Kashlakova A., Gribanova E., Zvonkov E., Sysoeva E., Dvirnyk V., Obukhova T., Sudarikov A., Sidorova Y., Kulikov S., Chabaeva Y., Savchenko V.
Experience of the preventive use of the drug Riamilovir in the foci of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Sabitov A., Sorokin P., Dashutina S.
Molecular factors associated with regression of liver fibrosis of alcoholic etiology
Kiseleva Y., Zharikov Y., Maslennikov R., Pavlov C., Nikolenko V.
Telomere length as a biomarker of the risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease
Doroshchuk N., Lankin V., Tikhaze A., Kheimets G., Doroshсhuk A., Smirnova M., Chazova I.
Diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction in patient with end - stage renal disease on chronic hemodialysis
Antukh D., Shchekochikhin D., Nesterov A., Gilarov M.
Low protein diet with essential amino acids ketoanalogues combination can affect serum FGF-23 and Klotho levels in chronic kidney disease 3b-4 stages patients: randomized pilot study
Milovanova L., Kozlovskaya(Lysenko) L., Androsova T., Lebedeva M., Taranova M., Milovanova S., Kondratyeva T., Zubacheva D., Tchebotareva N., Kozlov V., Kuchieva A., Li O., Reshetnikov V.
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with stable coronary artery disease: the most important risk factors and prevalence
Mironova O., Staroverov I., Sivakova O., Fomin V.
Fecal microbiota transplantation for graft-versus-host disease in children and adults: methods, clinical effects, safety
Goloshchapov O., Chukhlovin A., Bakin E., Stanevich O., Klementeva R., Shcherbakov A., Shvetsov A., Suvorova M., Bondarenko S., Kucher M., Kulagin A., Zubarovskaya L., Moiseev I.
Clinicopatological variants and risk factors for chronic kidney disease in rheumatoid arthritis
Chebotareva N., Gulyaev S., Androsova T., Popova E., Gurova D., Novikov P., Milovanova L., Moiseev S.
Socio-economic burden of pulmonary hypertension: relevance of assessment in Russia and the world
Zakiev V., Gvozdeva A., Martynyuk T.
Do the patients with peripheral atherosclerosis need to a medical therapy before the revascularization?
Barbarash O., Kashtalap V.
Intravascular ultrasound with virtual histology in assessment of atherosclerotic plaque composition in patients with coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Zakharov A., Michurova M., Terekhin S., Kalashnikov V., Smirnova O., Shestakova M., Dedov I.
Analysis of the impact of vaccination of pneumococcal infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with diabetes
Ignatova G., Blinova E., Antonov V., Grebneva I.
Intestinal manifestations of Behçet's disease
Goloeva R., Alekberova Z., Lisitsyna T., Stepanova E., Orlova L.
Brain MRI-findings in Ph - negative myeloproliferative disorders
Tanashyan M., Melikyan A., Kuznetsova P., Raskurazhev A., Shabalina A., Konovalov R.
Hepatic involvement in sarcoidosis
Fomin V., Brovko M., Kalashnikov M., Sholomova V., Rozina T., Akulkina L., Pershina A., Yanakayeva A., Nekrasova T.
Effects of a compound drug pumpan on exercise tolerance and clinicalcourse of ischemic heart disease
Krasnitsky V., Aronov D., Zhidko N.
Risk factors for diastolic left ventricular myocardial dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T., Kamyshova E., Vasilyeva M., Bobkova I., Solomakhina N., Shvetsov M.
Pentoxifylline and nephroprotection: effects on renal dysfunction and cardiovascular risks
Murkamilov I., Aitbaev K., Fomin V., Murkamilova Z., Bayzhigitova A.
Case of thrombosis of the portal vein and its branches in a patient seropositive for Borrelia antigens
Reznik E., Prushkovskaya M., Presnova E., Novikova N., Ivaschenko R., Dedov E., Nikitin A., Nikitin I.
Prognostic role of ST2 in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Grakova E., Kopeva K., Teplyakov A., Ogurkova O., Garganeeva A., Garmaeva O.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of inflammation of esophageal mucosa under different clinical course of gastroesophageal reflux disease and its complications
Lyamina S., Maev I., Kladovikova O., Malyshev I.
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