Efficiency of three-stage rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases

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Aim. To study the effectiveness of three-stage rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD).
Material and methods. An open randomized control trial included COLD patients divided into two groups. Group 1 patients have undergone three-stage rehabilitation: outpatient clinic-hospital-sanatorium, group 2 controls have undergone rehabilitation only in outpatient clinic. The condition of the patients was assessed by physical performance (bicycle exercise, 6-min walk test), external respiration function (spirography), tolerance to dyspnea (questionnaire) at the trial start and in 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. Three-stage rehabilitation continued for 9 months.
Results. Positive changes in physical performance and dyspnea tolerance were more pronounced in three-stage rehabilitation. This trend persisted for 9 months and than positive results got worse. Conclusion. Three-stage rehabilitation of COLD patients is highly effective and should be an essential part of COLD treatment policy.

About the authors

A N Ilnitsky


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