
Risk factors for adverse outcomes in elderly patients with asthma and severe COVID-19 at the hospital and early post-hospital stages
Avdeev S.N., Gaynitdinova V.V., Pozdniakova A.A., Vlasenko A.E., Gneusheva T.I., Baytemerova I.V.
Pharmacoepidemiological analysis of antihypertensive therapy in older age groups with senile asthenia syndrome
Davidov E.L., Yaskevich R.A.
Problems of optimal nutrition of elderly and senile patients with comorbidities against obesity
Starodubova A.V., Varaeva Y.R., Kosyura S.D., Livantsova E.N.
Results of endovascular revascularization in elderly patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in multivessel disease in relation to the degree of coronary atherosclerosis
Tarasov R.S., Kochergina A.M., Ganyukov V.I., Barbarash O.L.
High arterial rigidity is a significant but not obligatory factor of arterial hypertension in persons over 60 years of age
Boytsov S.A., Rogoza A.N., Kanishcheva E.M., Luk'yanov M.M., Boitsov S.A., Rogoza A.N., Kanischeva E.M., Lukianov M.M.
A case of primary diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus at the age of 75 years
Sumarokov A.B., Bedimogova S.S., Nekrutman E.A., Epifanova O.N., Veselova T.N., Atanesyan R.V., Blinova E.V., Sakhnova T.A., Korobkova I.Z., Fateeva L.V., Martynyuk T.V.
The frequency of potentially inappropriate medication use according to the Beers' criteria in elderly people at the therapy departments of a multidisciplinary hospital
Sychev D.A., Danilina K.S., Golovina O.V.
Pirasidol treatment of depression in elderly patients with somatic disease
Spasova S.A.
Comparative characteristics of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in the age aspect
Denisova O.A., Livzan M.A., Denisov A.P.
Giant cell arteritis as a cause of fever of unclear genesis in the elderly
Guliaev S.V., Meshkov A.D., Novikov P.I., Moiseev S.V., Fomin V.V.
Myocardial infarction in elderly patients.Role of beta-adrenoblockers in its treatment and secondaryprevention
Komissarenko I.A.
Infective endocarditis in the elderly: The current view of the problem
Taradin G.G., Vatutin N.T., Prendergast B.D., Newton J.D., Chaus E.A., Smyrnova A.S.
The specific features of gout in the elderly
Tsurko V.V., Eliseeva M.E., Vorob'ev P.A.
Dizziness and anxiety disorders in the elderly
Kotova O.V., Zamergrad M.V.
Clinical manifestations of anemia syndrome and its significance in the course of chronic heart failure in elderly patients
Larina V.N., Bart B.I.
Polypragmasy: A clinical pharmacologist’s view
Sychev D.A., Otdelеnov V.A., Krasnova N.M., Ilyina E.S.
Clinical aspects of gastroesophageal reflux disease in elderly patients: Results of a 5-year prospective study
Tsukanov V.V., Onuchina E.V., Vasiutin A.V., Butorin N.N., Amel'chugova O.S.
Possible side effects of drugs in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidity
Malykhin F.Т., Baturin V.A.
Possibilities of antioxidant therapy for asthenia and cognitive deficit in elderly patients with chronic brain ischemia
Duma S.N.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in elderly: causes, diagnostic and treatment approaches
Chumakova O.S.
The frequency and clinical aspects of extraesophageal syndromes in elderly patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
Tsukanov V.V., Kasparov E.V., Onuchina E.V., Vasyutin A.V., Butorin N.N., Amelchugova O.S., Tonkikh Y.L.
Dorsopathy in the elderly: pathobiology and multimodality therapy in clinical practice
Tsurko V.V.
1 - 22 of 22 Items

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