
Clinical significance of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate and inflammation in the development of vascular calcification and cardiovascular complications in stage C3–C5D chronic kidney disease
Dzgoeva F.U., Remizov O.V., Goloeva V.G., Ikoeva Z.R.
The balance of proinflammatory cytokines and Treg cells in chronic glomerulonephritis
Chebotareva N.V., Vinogradov A.A., Gindis A.A., Bobkova I.N., Cao W., Lysenko L.V.
Pharmacotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis in the early 21st century: Russian and international experience
Nasonov E.L., Karateev D.E., Lukina G.V.
Neutralisation of interferon gamma - a new trend in therapy of rheumatoid arthritis
Nasonova V.A., Lukina G.V., Sigidin I.A.
Survival of bDMARDs in bionaive patients with rheumatoid arthritis: data from a retrospective 12-month follow-up
Aronova E.S., Lukina G.V., Glukhova S.I., Gridneva G.I., Kudryavtseva A.V.
Association between adipokines and the development of osteopenic syndrome in end-stage lung disease
Kochetkova E.A., Ugaĭ L.G., Buria K.A., Nevzorova V.A., Massard J.
Immune system reactivity in patients with chronic hepatitis С
Sobchak D.M., Korochkina O.V.
The myocardial infarction size measuring using modern methods
Shigotarova E.A., Galimskaja V.A., Golubeva A.V., Oleynikov V.E.
Role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Kochetkova E.A., Ugaĭ L.G., Maĭstrovskaia I.V., Buria K.A., Nevzorova V.A.
Participation of cytokines and role of biliary-pancreatic reflux in mechanisms of exacerbation and chronicity of recurrent pancreatitis
Zhukova E.N., Shirinskaya N.V., Akhmedov V.A.
Intrahepatic cholestasis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Shipovskaya A.A., Dudanova O.P.
The efficiency and safety of adalimumab treatment in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis unresponsive to standard therapy: Russian national study results
Karateev D.E., Nasonov E.L., Luchikhina E.L., Mazurov V.I., Salikhov I.G., Shmidt E.I., Shostak N.A.
Tumor necrosis factor in blood plasm and morphofunctional parameters of the heart in patients with chronic heart failure complicating the course of ischemic heart disease. Changes in response to treatment
Olbinskaya L.I., Ignatenko S.В., Markin S.S.
Necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis with clinical presentations of recurrent acute abdomen. Case report and literature review
Vasilyev V.I., Palshina S.G., Chaltsev B.D., Radenska-Lopovok S.G., Safonova T.N.
Leptin and activity of tumor necrosis factor alpha relations with parameters of the trophologic status and digestion in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Beloborodova E.I., Akimova L.A., Asanova A.V., Burkovskaya V.A., Beloborodova E.I., Akimova L.A., Asanova A.V., Burkovskaya V.A.
Endothelial immune activation and functional state in patients with hypertensive disease
Ashcheulova T.V., Kovalyova O.N., Gerasimchuk N.N.
Pharmacogenetic criteria for the efficacy of basic anti-inflammatory therapy for rheumatoid arthritis
Konenkov V.I., Zonova E.V., Korolev M.A., Leonova Y.B., Shevchenko A.V., Golovanova O.V., Prokof'ev V.F., Konenkov V.I., Zonova E.V., Korolev M.A., Leonova Y.B., Shevchenko A.V., Golovanova O.V., Prokofyev V.F.
New horizons in the use of biological agents during pregnancy in patients with rheumatic disease
Shesternya P.A., Petrova M.M., Vasilyeva A.O.
Coronary artery necroses and calcification in chronic coronary heart disease
Zhdanov V.S., Cherpachenko N.M., Drobkova I.P., Veselova S.P., Shlychkova T.P., Zhdanov V.S., Cherpachenko N.M., Drobkova I.P., Veselova S.P., Shlychkova T.P.
The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of chronic heart failure
Tokmachev R.E., Budnevsky A.V., Kravchenko A.Y.
Osteoprotegerin and bone mineral density in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Kochetkova E.A., Nevzorova V.A., Maistrovskaya Y.V., Massard G.
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