
The mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of enisamium iodide
Kareva E.N., Fedotcheva T.A., Semeikin A.V., Kochina N.A., Krasnoshchok E.V., Shimanovskii N.L.
Uric acid, cognitive disorders, neurodegeneration
Eliseev M.S., Zheliabina O.V., Nasonov E.L.
Experimental and clinical assessment of antioxidant efficacy of multicomponent antioxidant medication
Lankin V.Z., Tikhaze A.K., Konovalova G.G., Lisina M.O., Nezhdanova I.В., Gomboeva S.В., Kukharchuk V.V., Belenkov Y.N.
Significance of L-carnitine in internal medicine
Sizova Z.M., Shikh E.V., Makhova A.A.
Polymorphism -930A > G of the cytochrome b gene is a novel genetic marker of predisposition to bronchial asthma
Polonikov A.V., Ivanov V.P., Solodilova M.A., Kozhukhov M.A., Panfilov V.I., Bulgakova I.V., Polonikov A.V., Ivanov V.P., Solodilova M.A., Kozhukhov M.A., Panfilov V.I., Bulgakova I.V.
Changes in the indices of prooxidant and antioxidant systems in blood plasma in men with atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer
Tsukanov V.V., Smirnova O.V., Kasparov E.V., Sinyakov A.A., Vasyutin A.V., Tonkikh Y.L.
Clinical and biochemical manifestations of chronic pyelonephritis and theircorrection in population of the northen areas of the Tyumen Territory
Zhmurov V.A., Oskolkov S.A., Kazeko N.I.
Oxidative stress in women with insomnia in different stages of menopause
Kolesnikova L.I., Semenova N.V., Solodova E.I., Madaeva I.M.
Catalase gene rs1001179 polymorphism and oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis C and ulcerative colitis
Bulatova I.A., Tret'iakova I.I., Shchekotov V.V., Shchekotova A.P., Ulitina P.V., Krivtsov A.V., Nenasheva O.I.
Possibilities of antioxidant therapy for asthenia and cognitive deficit in elderly patients with chronic brain ischemia
Duma S.N.
The clinical efficacy of a succinate-containing infusion drug during pharmacotherapy for hepatic lesions of varying genesis: results of meta-analysis
Mazina N.K., Mazin P.V., Sukhanov D.S.
Combination of community acquired pneumonia with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: clinical peculiarities, production of active oxygen forms, general antioxidant blood status
Farkhutdinov U.R., Amirova E.F., Farkhutdinov R.R.
Clinical efficacy of reamberine in therapy for influenza
Isakov V.A., Vodeyko L.P., Kabolova I.V., Turkin V.V., Isakov V.A., Vodeiko L.P., Kabolova I.V., Turkin V.V.
PCSK9 Inhibitor causes a decrease in the level of oxidatively modified low-density lipoproteins in patients with coronary artery diseases
Lankin V.Z., Tikhaze A.K., Viigimaa M., Chazova I.E.
The parameters of the blood prooxidant and antioxidant systems in bacterial and viral pneumonias
Nagoev B.S., Ivanova Z.O., Nagoyev B.S., Ivanova Z.O.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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