Numerical Simulation of Compensation Injection Problems Near Deep Excavations




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The stress-strain state (SSS) of the “ground foundation – foundation pit under the protection of a fence – compensation injection zone” system is complex, multifactorial and transforming in space. Taking into account a wide range of phenomena when changing the SSS of the soil base is associated with significant difficulties, especially without the use of numerical modeling using software and computer systems. Numerical modeling in the implementation of the finite element method (FEM) for the problems of complex interaction of a soil basis with underground structures during compensatory grouting makes it possible to assign injection zones in any position in space (horizontally, vertically, at an angle), determine the necessary injection parameters to achieve the building lifting of the soil basis when solving the inverse problem. In this study, using examples of numerical modeling of compensation grouting problems near the pit fence with different locations of existing buildings, the authors identified the determining factors affecting the distribution of internal forces in the enclosing structures of the excavation, as well as on the existing structures of the underground structure. The results of comparison of calculations in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulations are presented, an increase in the bending moment of the retaining wall when carrying out work on compensatory injection by 187-279% is shown for different parameters of the distance to the grouting horizon. The results of the conducted studies confirm the need to take into account the increase in internal efforts during the work on compensatory injection in the structures of the pit fences when assigning reinforcement. In addition, in some cases it is necessary to provide additional protective measures to prevent a negative impact on the constructed underground structures to reduce emergency situations.




A. Ter-Martirosyan

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Vice-Rector 

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

V. Kivlyuk

JSC «Mosinzhproekt»


Executive Director – Head of the Direction 

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

I. Isaev

JSC «Mosinzhproekt»


Head of the Impact Assessment and Emergency Response Department

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. General view of the design scheme at the stage of full excavation of the pit under the protection of a slurry wall and a system of struts

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3. Fig. 2. Comparison of envelope diagrams of bending moments in slurry wall t=1000 mm without taking into account compensatory injection and taking into account compensatory injection (vertical injection)

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4. Fig. 3. Comparison of the envelope diagrams of bending moments in slurry wall t=1000 mm, without taking into account compensatory injection and taking into account compensatory injection (vertical injection): a – at a distance of 10 m; b – at a distance of 7 m

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5. Fig. 4. Comparison of the envelope diagrams of bending moments in slurry wall t=1000 mm without taking into account compensatory injection and taking into account compensatory injection (injection at an angle)

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6. Fig. 5. A general view of the calculation scheme in three-dimensional formulation at the stage of full excavation of the pit under the protection of a slurry wall and a system of struts

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7. Fig. 6. Comparison of the envelope diagrams of bending moments in slurry wall t=1000 mm, without taking into account compensatory injection and taking into account compensatory injection obtained in three-dimensional calculation (vertical injection)

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8. Fig. 7. The calculation scheme of the interaction of the structures of the existing station and the slurry wall of the pit during the excavation to the bottom and compensatory injection

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9. Fig. 8. Comparison of the envelope diagrams of bending moments in slurry wall t = 1000 mm without taking into account compensation injection and taking into account compensation injection (with and without a protective screen)

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