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Submission of manuscripts of articles

The authors who submitted articles for publication in the "Stroitel'nye Materialy" journal ensure that:

  • The article was not previously published in another journal, a collection of articles, conference materials, etc.;
  • The article is not under consideration in any other journal;
  • All co-authors consent to the publication of the article (authors must sign and send to the editorial office a license agreement);
  • There is implicit or explicit consent of the organization in which the study was conducted;
  • All citations are properly formatted and the source of tables and figures are shown (unless otherwise indicated, it is assumed that the tables and figures created by the author)

The title page of the article contains:

  • The full name of the authors;
  • The official name of the organization (or organizations, if the team consists of representatives of several organizations), lacking all abbreviations, the full postal address with the index;
  • Detailed information about the authors: degree, rank, position, and additional information if desired by the author;
  • E-mail of ALL collaborators, and telephone of the author, who has the right to remove the editor's questions, take a decision on editing the manuscript and approve the article;
  • Article title (not more than 10 words);
  • Abstract (this must not contain undeciphered abbreviations and or terms which have not been previously presented). The volume of the abstract should be no less than 150-200 words.
  • Keywords (5-8 words)
  • For citation: Name of Authors. Article title. Stroitel’nye Materialy. Year. No. ??, pp. ??–??. DOI:
  • Acknowledgements, information on financial support and other information related to the conduct of this study

NECESSARY elements of a scientific-technical article are:

  • Problem statement in general and its connections with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • A brief analysis of recent achievements and publications in which the solution of this problem began and on which the author relies, the allocation of previously unsolved parts of generic problem, which the article is dedicated. formulation of purposes of the article (task statement);
  • Presentation of the main material of research with substantiation of results received;
  • Conclusions made on the basis of this study and perspectives of further search in the chosen direction or practical use.

Manuscript text

  1. The text of the article should be typed in the editor Microsoft Word and saved in the format *.doc, *.docs and should not contain illustrations (the font size – 14, typing – via 1.5 intervals, borders – 3-4 cm). If you are using Word 2007, save the file only in the *.doc;
  2. For names of chemical compounds it is necessary to use the terminology recommended by IUPAC;
  3. Units of physical quantities should be presented in the International System of Units (SI). If it is necessary to use off-system units, values in SI should be shown in brackets;
  4. All the symbols used by the author, except common constants e, h, c, π, etc., and abbreviations, should be defined at their first mention in the text;
  5. Greek letter designations should be transliterated in Russian in brackets. For example, α (альфа); θ (тэта); σ (сигма) etc;
  6. All formulas must be typed using a formula editor program. It is not allowed to convert the formulas into a graphic file, and paste it into the text;
  7. All tables and figures must be numbered and identified, they should be a reference in the text. The tables should not contain empty columns;
  8. Graphic material (graphs, schemes, drawings, diagrams, logotypes etc.) should be executed in graphic editors: Corel Draw (no higher v.12), Adobe Illustrator (no higher v. CS6) and stored in formats *.cdr, *.ai, *.eps, respectively. Scanning of the graphic material and its importing to editors listed above is unacceptable;
  9. Illustrative material (photos, collages etc.) should be stored in the format *.tif, *.jpg (maximal quality) or *.eps (Adobe Photoshop) with resolution not less than 300 dpi, size not less 115 mm by width, color model CMYK or Grayscale;
    All the graphic material is attached to the article by separate files.
  10. All materials must be sent by e-mail mail@rifsm.ru. The originals of all documents (cover letter, license agreement and manuscript of the article with the authors' signatures) should be sent to the editorial office by mail: “STROYMATERIALY” OOO, Moscow, 127434, Dmitrovskoe Highway, 9, bld. 3;
  11. If necessary, use footnotes with continuous numbering (Arabic numerals) throughout the document. Footnotes can be quotes from the works mentioned in the text, for more information; 
  12. Acknowledgements. This section should mention the people who helped in creating the article; sources of financing;
  13. Information about the conflict of interest. The article should include any actual or potential conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, you should write that "the author declares no conflict of interest";
  14. References. The journal requires the use of the Vancouver citation style (a reference in the text in square brackets, full bibliographic description of the source in the bibliography in the order mentioned in the text of the article).


  • To include links to Federal Laws, by-laws, GOSTs, SNiPs and other normative literature in the list of references. The reference of normative documents relied upon by the author in tests or calculations or reasoning is better made directly in the text of the article.
  • To refer to training and training-methodical manuals; articles in the materials of conferences and collections of papers which have no ISBN and are not sent to leading libraries of the country and not indexed in the relevant databases.
  • To refer to dissertations and extended abstracts of dissertations.
  • Self-citation, that is links to own publications of the author. This practice not only violates ethical norms but leads to the decrease in quantitative indicators of the author.


  • To refer to articles published during the last 2-3 years in leading sectoral scientific-technical and scientific publications are relied upon by the author in constructing the argument or the statement of the research problem.
  • To refer to the monographs published during the last 5 years. Older sources also negatively influence on the indicators of publication activity of the author.
  • Refer to foreign sources. This will show that the author has taken into account not only the homeland, but also the world experience in the question being discussed. Undoubtedly, references to classical works are possible, but it should not be forgotten that science is always developing progressively forward and the ignoring by authors the latest advances in research may lead to the duplication of results, errors in the formulation of research problems and interpretation of data.




  • Эта статья не была раньше опубликована, а также не представлена для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (иначе объясните это в Примечаниях для Редактора).

  • Отправляемый файл рукописи имеет формат Microsoft Word или RTF - *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf.

  • Интернет-ссылки представлены в виде полных URL.

  • Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом, шрифт Times New Roman, 12 pt; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (кроме интернет-ссылок); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в тексте там, где требуется по смыслу (а не в конце документа).

  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографическим требованиями Руководства для Авторов, расположенном в разделе "О нас".

  • Были удалены имена авторов из заголовка статьи и выполнены другие требования документа Обеспечение Анонимности при Рецензировании.



  • Authors retain copyright of the work and provide the journal right of first publication of the work; 
  • The authors retain the right to enter into certain contractual agreements relating to the non-exclusive distribution in the published version of the work here form (eg, post it to an institutional repository, the publication of the book), with reference to its original publication in this journal.



The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.
The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.
The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.
