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№ 1-2 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

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Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


National Urbanized Regions are Promising Objects of Spatial Strategizing and Planning in the Russian Federation

Monastyrskaya M., Peslyak O.


The modern approach to the definition of urbanized regions as innovative forms of space organization at the macro-regional level is considered. The concept of urban regional town planning presented in the article identifies two main types of urbanized regions: «supranational» and «national». The importance of targeted urban planning and management of national urban regions is emphasized in order to increase the effectiveness of territorial management, strengthen national security and economic sustainability of the country. Promising objects of urba-regional strategizing and planning in Russia are outlined.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Environmental Complexes with Thermal Zoning for the Conditions of the Far North and the Arctic

Merenkov A., Yankovskaya Y.


The author’s proposals dedicated to the optimization of the design process, considering the specific requirements determined by the natural and climatic conditions of the Far North and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are disclosed. The authors rely on two methodological approaches: optimization of urban planning policy, on the one hand, and revision of the typology of residential and public buildings for the conditions of the Arctic and the Far North, on the other. The authors have developed and are actively promoting the basic principles of “green architecture” (the buffer principle, the community principle, the compensation principle, the principle of nature-likeness and the principle of vertical transfer). The main objective of this article is to put forward, develop and develop the concept of “thermal zoning”, which inherits the productive typological ideas of the Soviet period. It is shown how the scientific developments of the authors are tested in experimental and competitive design. In addition, specific proposals have been put forward to improve the urban development policy of the Arctic and create a new body that will optimize the activities of designers for the sustainable development of the architectural environment of Arctic cities and settlements.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):9-16
pages 9-16 views

Modern Trends in the Design of Tourist Complexes in the Murmansk Region

Elizarova Y., Perov F., Datsyuk T., Mangushev R.


The purpose of the study is to identify the main types of tourism of the tourist and recreational cluster of the Murmansk region, to consider the main factors influencing the formation of the direction of tourism infrastructure and to identify problems in the field of tourism development of the Kola Peninsula. Based on a comparison of functional blocks, the article examines approaches to the design of Arctic tourism complexes using the example of the northern parts of Scandinavian countries with similar climatic conditions of the Murmansk region. Identification of the features of Arctic territories that have characteristic natural, climatic and social features that influence the development of the tourism sector. Sub-clusters of the Murmansk region are characterized in terms of developing types of tourism, the number of accommodation facilities, and statistical data on tourist flows. The development of transport infrastructure, which plays a major role in the development of tourism on the Kola Peninsula, is considered. As part of the study, the largest and most popular tourist complexes in the Murmansk region were identified and analyzed.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Public Buildings Design in the Republic of Yemen

Alsikh A., Eremeeva A., Perov F., Bolotin S.


The article is devoted to the problems of the formation of public buildings in the Republic of Yemen at the present stage. North Yemen has been isolated from global development for many years, which has affected the organization of public infrastructure serving the population. Yemen has a widespread traditional way of life, which has been formed in the country for thousands of years, but in recent decades it has begun to change as a result of cultural interaction with other countries of the world. The article hypothesizes that the formation of public buildings is influenced by the socio-cultural characteristics of the dominant user group. To confirm this hypothesis, an analysis of models of the organization of public life of the population of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, which is divided into three main groups: the indigenous population of the city, Yemenis who came from other cities and settlements, as well as emigrants – foreign citizens from other countries. The socio-urban planning analysis of Sanaa showed the predominant areas of residence of these population groups, in which the analysis of the features of the functional and spatial organization of public infrastructure was carried out. Objects with functions related to immutable types of activities related to the life support of the population (education, healthcare, consumer services, trade) and objects with leisure functions (cultural, sports and recreation, tourism) are considered. The revealed patterns between the characteristics of a population group and the corresponding functional and spatial solutions of public infrastructure facilities are the result of the article and can be used to more effectively develop new types of public buildings for various districts of Sanaa.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):26-33
pages 26-33 views

Urban Agricultural Territories as Components of the Architectural Landscape of Ho Chi Minh City

Nga T., Rusanov G., Volkov V.


Currently, urban agriculture (UA) is considered as one of the strategic factors of the integrated sustainable development of Ho Chi Minh City, but the urban land fund for agricultural purposes in this city is insignificant. Since 2005, the concept of a continuous Productive urban landscape (CPL- Continuous Productive Urban Landscape) has been proposed, which can be used for the development of urban agriculture. The article mentions the possibility of applying CPUL as an important direction for territorial development in Ho Chi Minh City, in which the sizes of urban green landscapes used for urban agriculture can be increased. The article presents the main components of these landscapes in Ho Chi Minh City.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Calculation of the Deadlines for the Implementation of Key Measures of the Moscow Housing Stock Renovation Program

Semenov S., Grishutin I.


To ensure the deadlines for the implementation of the Moscow housing stock renovation program, it is fundamentally important to use an up-to-date model for the implementation of the program. The presented article is devoted to the development of methods for assessing the dynamics of the duration of the processes of resettlement of residents and demolition of evicted houses under the renovation program. As a solution to this problem, the use of a time series estimation method is proposed. The purpose of the study was to identify quantitative changes in the values of the average duration of the processes of resettlement and demolition of apartment buildings during the implementation of the renovation program, the development and approbation of algorithms for their calculation. In case of positive experience in the application of the developed methodology, it can be extended to use in the study of the dynamics of other processes in the renovation program. Including when assessing the duration of construction of new houses.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):40-42
pages 40-42 views

Yekaterinburg traditionally welcomes 100+ TechnoBuild participants


International construction forum and exhibition 100+ TechnoBuild, held at the international exhibition center «Ekaterinburg-EXPO». The business program consisted of more than 200 sections (900 speakers), and more than 500 exhibitors were represented at the exhibition. One of the key co-organizers of the 100+ is traditionally the Ministry of Construction, Housing of Utilities of the Russian Federation.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):43-44
pages 43-44 views

Analysis of the Experience of Preservation and Development of Small Historical Settlements

Bergman A., Stieglitz M., Pukharenko Y., Lisovskiy V.


The experience of preservation and development of small historical settlements is considered. It’s about ethnographic museums-reserves, open-air architecture museums, ethnoparks, architectural and ethnographic museums, etc. Using the examples of these objects, the approaches and solutions used in their formation and development are revealed. A review of theoretical works on the topic of the publication is carried out. The obtained results of the analysis are presented in the form of a systematized table, which provides brief information about the object, as well as techniques, methods, approaches and solutions used in the conservation and development of these objects and which can be used in the development of the concept of regeneration of small historical settlements. The final part provides a description of all the techniques, methods, approaches and solutions identified as a result of the analysis.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):45-50
pages 45-50 views

History and Prospects of Development of Low-Rise Wooden Buildings in Cities of the North of Russia

Perov F., Mangushev R., Dacjuk T., Bolotin S.


Low-rise timber buildings are an important part of Arctic cities. This is due to a number of factors: the traditions of using wood in construction, accessibility and simplicity, mastery of the technology of processing wood as a building material, the ability to quickly construct buildings from ready-made elements, high thermal qualities of wood. The modern emergency low-rise wooden building fund has discredited itself, which has led to an increase in the construction of capital multi-apartment buildings using technologies from cities in central Russia. Currently, economics, ecology, and the development of modern technologies dictate the need to revive low-rise wooden residential buildings at a new qualitative level, including the development of a new typology of residential buildings that meet the diverse modern requirements of the population of Arctic cities.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):51-57
pages 51-57 views

Stages of Formation of Distant Estates of the Highest Nobility in the Territory of St. Petersburg Province

Shuvaeva E., Lisovskiy V., Pukharenko Y.


The article considers a special type of objects of estate development in St. Petersburg province – distant estates of the highest nobility in the context of the formation of areas of development of this type from 1703 to 1917. A general tendency of the emergence, development and extinction of manor complexes was revealed, as well as a period of intensive manor construction characteristic of each of the distant counties. The compositional and planning features of the estates of the highest nobility are described depending on the period of their formation. Information on the socio-cultural role of the studied estates in the structure of the surrounding settlements at various stages of their existence is given.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):58-62
pages 58-62 views

Features of the Column Order of the Facades of Buildings in St. Petersburg at the Beginning of the XX Century

Voznyak E., Kolesova M., Pukharenko Y., Lisovskiy V.


The order of the Saint Petersburg building facades has changed throughout the history of the city’s architecture. The order again acquired a dominant role in the compositional structure of the neoclassical building facades of the beginning of 20th century, but the order of this time is transformed in comparison with previous historical periods. Analysis of the use of the column order by architects V.A. Shchuko and M.S. Lyalevich makes it possible to identify main features of the order of the early 20th century: placement in the structure of the facade, proportions, detailing; discover the use of historical prototypes and the attitude of architects to classical theory. The study of all these features is necessary when researching, preserving and restoring numerous buildings in the neoclassical style of the early 20th century.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):63-66
pages 63-66 views

The Original Appearance of the Kazan Church in the City of Ustyuzhna

Gorshkov A., Lisovskiy V., Pukharenko Y.


Comprehensive scientific research has been carried out, including laser scanning of the attic space of the Kazan Church in Ustyuzhna (Vologda region), which has much in common with the Smolensk Church in the village of Gordeevka in Nizhny Novgorod, where, among other things, traces of the original decoration of the facades of the church before the rebuilding of the XIX century were found. In the course of field studies in 2023, it was possible to confirm the presence of an internal brick staircase embedded in the ground floor level to an unfinished (but originally intended for construction) bell tower. Illustrations of decorative elements of the facades, now hidden from view and located in the attic space, are presented. Comparison with domestic and foreign trends of the late 17th century and particular features of the construction of the «Stroganov» churches makes it possible to attribute the architectural monument in question to the galaxy of churches built by Grigory Dmitrievich Stroganov in the context of the experience of using the order system in Russian church architecture. Based on the given set of features, a conclusion is made about the initial finishing of the facades. Similar to the Smolensk Church, the original surface of the walls of the Kazan Church was, in all likelihood, unplastered chain brickwork with lime-sand grouting.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Organization of the Process of Complex BIM-Design of Technological Facilities

Zatorskiy S., Shumilov K., Semenov A.


The article deals with the issues of optimization of complex BIM-design processes of capital construction objects on the example of design of technological objects, namely buildings and facilities of water treatment complex. The model of organization of BIM-designing processes (construction of information model and obtaining documentation of various stages of design) with the help of interactive interaction means is presented, which allows to reduce time costs for information exchange and coordination of design decisions. A brief algorithm of this organizational model is given. Further possibilities of refinement and construction of new algorithms of work with the use of software complexes and programming elements are revealed. The results obtained in the systematization of individual stages of information modeling are demonstrated.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Problems and Tasks of Building a Digital Information Model of Buildings for the Implementation of Housing Capital Repair Programs

Popova O., Zaostrovskaya A., Yudina A.


The purpose of the work is the development and use of digital information models (DIM) of apartment buildings (AB) of standard series of the Soviet period of construction at the stage of operation of the building. The stages and recommendations for the development of standard design DIM AB, requirements for the level of elaboration (detailing) of models are presented. The most common series of ABs in the central part of Arkhangelsk have been identified. With the help of Renga software, models have been developed for 4 standard series of AB. The level of elaboration is determined, on the one hand, by the possibility of using the model as an operational one without modification, on the other hand, by the possibility of refining it by increasing the level of detailing of the elements.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):80-86
pages 80-86 views

Designing a Cultural Heritage Object in a BIM Environment

Mahov I., Sergienko D.


Creating BIM models of individual structures and buildings as a whole makes it possible to better feel the geometric features of the designed object and understand its relationship with associated elements. Before starting the design, an analysis of the design object, the intended design solutions and the capabilities of various software systems was carried out. After studying the experience of domestic and foreign colleagues on the example of the reconstruction object, it was decided that it was necessary to use the Autodesk Revit software package. In the mode of one model, work was carried out on architectural and structural sections, as well as engineering networks. The need for a consistent approach in designing in a BIM environment is demonstrated. The stages of design are presented, the main functionality of the software package related to restoration work is demonstrated, and the characteristic problems arising during the design are identified and analyzed. Work experience shows the expediency of using the BIM environment during restoration work, which makes it possible to ensure the collaboration of participants in the design process. Detailed study at all stages of the design makes it possible to minimize labor costs, as well as eliminate errors associated with the complexity of the interconnection of sections, which is especially typical for a historical building.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):87-92
pages 87-92 views

Regression Analysis and Modeling of the Efficiency of Construction and Installation Works in the Conditions of the North

Rudenko А., Kurenkova О.


The article is discussed the selection and assessment of factors which gives the impact on effectiveness of construction and installation works in the northern regions. Special emphasis is given to development of planning matrix for the selection of factors and the selection of the most significant factors determined by the method of expert assessments. Based on the results of the study, definitions were given for the most significant factors, taking into account their ranking in accordance with the unified rating scale adopted to bring qualitative and quantitative assessments into one measurement scale. Based on the generalized data of expert assessments on the selected factors influence on the productivity of construction and installation works in the northern regions of Russia (as the main indicator of works efficiency), the multiple regression equation was developed, and there was made an assessment of the ability to predict work productivity based on specific conditions.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):93-100
pages 93-100 views

Interaction of Structural Elements in the Overhead Transmission Power Line

Senkin N., Filimonov A.


The analysis of the changes of tensile forces in conductors and earth wires is performed during their breakage and impact on the towers of overhead power line with a voltage of 330 kV. Based on the results, a mathematical model of a unified cable-stayed rod system consisting of steel towers, conductors and earth wires and insulating elements has been compiled. The system of equations of the model is solved iteratively using the MS Excel spreadsheet processor for various breakage cases. The dependences of tensile forces in conductors and earth wires during their breakage are presented, as well as the forces which correspond to an acting regime on towers in a linear circuit, taking into account the supporting effect of neighboring towers.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):101-108
pages 101-108 views

The Influence of the Quality of Coarse Aggregate on the Uniformity of the Properties of Concrete Mixture and Concrete

Kovaleva A., Aubakirova I.


Industrial studies of the quality indicators of concrete mixtures (workability, water separation, mortar separation) and concretes (strength, uniformity of concrete in strength) have been carried out, depending on the characteristics of the filler used. The influence of fractionated and non-fractionated coarse aggregate on the properties of concrete mixtures and concretes was analyzed. It was confirmed that the use of fractionated coarse aggregate improves the quality indicators of concrete mixtures and concretes.

Housing Construction. 2024;(1-2):109-113
pages 109-113 views

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