Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 3 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


The Effect of the Crane Load on the Floor Slab Made Using a 3D Printer

Dmitriev A., Razov I.


The possibility of installing a floor slab made using additive technologies by layer-by-layer printing by a crane in the design position is being studied. According to the design, this plate consists of an outer and an inner layer, which are connected by an undulating inner element. The floor slab measuring 4.85 meters is planned to be manufactured on the ground in a vertical position, then the structure is transferred to a horizontal position by a crane and mounted in the design position. For this design, the finite element method is used to calculate 3 cases for the action of a crane load. The calculation results showed that when the structure is rearranged in a vertical position, the probability of tearing off the sling loops is high. When the structure is rotated from a vertical position to a horizontal position, cracks opening of more than 0.5 mm are observed in uncovered areas. When lifting the plate in a horizontal position by a crane and installing it in the design position, there is a multiple crack opening of more than 0.5 mm. Based on the calculation results, it was concluded that printing large floor slabs in a vertical position is not advisable, since during subsequent installation the structure receives multiple cracks and is not suitable for overlapping a residential building.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Technological Sovereignty in the Russian Construction Industry

Kazin A.


Technological sovereignty is a systemic program aimed at creating proprietary technologies that are needed in various areas of industry and the economy. These are not only IT solutions, but also technologies necessary for agriculture, heavy engineering, light industry, and energy. In May 2023, the Russian Federation adopted the Concept of Technological Development until 2030. This document contains the basic concepts and ideas of the conducted policy. An overview of the state of the construction industry until 2022 is given. It is shown that dependence on imported equipment has forced Russian machine-building companies to manufacture missing machines and mechanisms, and in some cases, comprehensive provision of house-building plants and precast concrete products plants with domestic equipment.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Plastic of Facades in the Technology of a Three-Layer Facade Panel

Kurnikov D., Makarov N.


It is noted that the task of forming plastic facades is directly opposite to the idea of industrialization in housing construction. Each time it is a search for a balance between unification and diversity. In most cases, domestic architects and designers have to adhere to the principle of unification due to the need to comply with factory technology. A flat panel of the same type is convenient and technologically advanced. Fewer operations during equipment readjustment, fewer risks and more turnover of the formwork. As a result, the cost of construction is reduced. To overcome the negatively perceived image of a panel house, it is necessary to ensure the diversity and plasticity of facade panels, silhouette and sculpturality of three-dimensional composition, the use of projections, undercuts, recessed attic floors and terraces.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Selection of Reinforcement Equipment for the DSK Plant. New Features


Завод строительного оборудования «Роден» (Новосибирск) производит оборудование для арматурных цехов заводов ЖБИ и ДСК. Продукцией предприятия являются правильно-отрезные станки для правки и заготовки арматуры, широкосеточные автоматические машины для сварки сеток, автоматические гибочные станки для арматуры, вертикальные машины для сборки объемных каркасов и многое другое вспомогательное оборудование, необходимое для комплексного оснащения арматурного цеха. Одним из основных видов оборудования, безусловно, являются машины контактной сварки, и вопрос их выбора является актуальным для большинства модернизируемых либо строящихся заводов КПД.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):19-20
pages 19-20 views

Comparison of European-type cassette Installations and CSF


Еще с советских времен бытует мнение, что панельное домостроение имеет ряд недостатков, однако современные технологии производства железобетонных изделий (ЖБИ) и возведенные с их использованием жилые кварталы в разных регионах РФ позволяют говорить об обратном, выявляя главный плюс – скорость строительства без потери качества. Все больше компаний-застройщиков обращаются к индустриальной застройке, когда изготовление строительных изделий и конструкций осуществляется массово.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Modernization of Buildings of the First Mass Series

Gorshkov A., Voilokov I., Orlovich R.


The research is devoted to the modernization of residential apartment buildings of the first mass series. The volumes of housing built in Soviet times are given. It is shown that with the saturation of the construction market in the construction industry, the emphasis should gradually shift from new construction towards the reconstruction of existing housing. To this end, a comprehensive program for the modernization of residential areas built up with buildings of the first mass series should be developed today. An example of the implementation of a detailed program abroad and a few experiences of modernization of panel buildings in Russia are shown. Specific measures that can be implemented within the framework of such a program are given. These include: the unification of neighboring apartments in order to increase the area and improve the functionality of the premises; the superstructure of additional floors; the addition of additional loggias, balconies and terraces to existing buildings; the reconstruction of the building in order to change its spatial planning solution; changing the architectural appearance of the building by decorating the facades with a simultaneous increase in the comfort level of the premises, increasing the sound, fire and thermal insulation functions of the building. The paper also describes the risks of implementing such projects and shows the sources of their financing.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):26-34
pages 26-34 views

What Sould We Build a Universal Plant


Более 20 лет специалисты Приволжского Центра Строительные Технологии проектируют, модернизируют и оснащают «под ключ» предприятия ЖБИ, ДСК, КПД, чтобы они стали высокоэффективным инструментом стабильного получения прибыли.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):35-57
pages 35-57 views

Solutions for an Efficient Way of Designing and Construction


Fastcon – российская компания (с 2006 по 2022 г. ООО «Пейкко»), представляющая продукцию Peikko (Финляндия) на территории России и стран СНГ. Наши решения созданы для безопасного и эффективного способа проектирования и строительства жилых домов, складских комплексов, лабораторий, фармацевтических заводов и многих других объектов в кратчайшие сроки. Приоритетное направление деятельности компании – решения для сборных железобетонных конструкций. Fastcon предлагает широкий ряд продуктов, от закладных подъемных анкеров до башмаков колонн и композитных балок.

Политика компании – быть наиболее близкой к потребителю. Специалисты компании всегда готовы ответить на ваши вопросы, обеспечить необходимой технической информацией и помочь с расчетами. Компания постоянно разрабатывает все более совершенное программное обеспечение, чтобы сделать расчет необходимых продуктов для потребителя максимально быстрым и простым. В 2006 г. компания Peikko вышла на российский рынок. В 2009 г. состоялось открытие завода в Санкт-Петербурге. Таким образом, полная линейка продукции Peikko теперь представлена на локальном рынке.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Assessment of the Possibility of Excluding Secondary Heating of the Inflow During the Warm Period in Modern Climatic Conditions

Samarin O.


The subject of the study is the dependence on the required indoor air temperature and the accepted inflow temperature for a minimum heat and humidity ratio in the room, in which secondary heating of inflow can be excluded. The purpose of the study is to obtain an analytical expression of this dependence, which allows an engineering assessment of the possibility of eliminating secondary heating in the process of designing air conditioning systems without the use of graphical constructions. The objective of the study is to represent an adequate flow processing scheme on the Id diagram, identify the main factors affecting the minimum heat and humidity ratio in the room and obtain the necessary numerical coefficients in formulas linking the desired and initial parameters. Research results. An analytical dependence is obtained that allows calculating the minimum possible value of the heat and humidity ratio in a room in which secondary heating is not required, and only cooling of the inflow with drying in a surface air cooler is sufficient if it has a bypass channel. The presentation is illustrated with numerical and graphical examples.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Problems and Experience of Practical Training of Masters in the Field of «Construction»

Akulova I., Slavcheva G.


The problems and organizational and methodological approach to conducting technological and design practices of master’s students studying in the direction of 04/08/01 «Construction» are presented. It is proposed to organize these types of practices at the basic enterprise of the construction complex as a single process based on a combination of interdisciplinary, group and project approaches. Undergraduates divided into subgroups successively implement the common task to the team, first on technological, and then on design practice. The main task of the technological practice is to audit the quality and marketing systems of the base enterprise, which ends with the definition of its production and marketing problems. After defending the report, which contains, in addition to the team, an individual task for each member of the subgroup, undergraduates are given a task for project practice. Being a logical continuation of the previous one, it is associated with the development of measures to eliminate the identified problems, the calculation of financial costs for their implementation and the forecast assessment of changes in the cost of finished products. The approach considered in the article has been implemented for undergraduates within educational program «Quality Expertise and Marketing of Building Materials» at the Voronezh State Technical University. The proposed methodology of organizing practices contributes to improving the level of professional competencies that are formed in the process of practical training of undergraduates. The methodology, according to the authors, can be replicated for other master’s degree programs in the field of «Construction».

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Shallow Foundation With a Modified Shape of the Base

Bay V., Safaryan V.


The issue of optimizing the construction of shallow foundations is considered, due to the change of the base to a stepped one. Optimization involves reducing the cost of construction of a zero-cycle without losing the strength, reliability and durability of the object. The study was conducted in several stages, including numerical modeling, laboratory tests and field tests with foundation model. The simulation results showed that foundations with a flat base have a large shrinkage compared to foundations with a stepped base, varying from 6% to 28% depending on geological conditions and modeling techniques. Laboratory tests and a field experiment confirmed these results, showing that foundations with a stepped base have a lower draft relative to foundations with a flat base by at least 30%. In addition, stepped foundations turned out to be more resistant to random eccentricities and eccentric loading. The study makes it possible to assert that the use of foundations with the proposed geometry can lead to significant savings by reducing material and resource consumption, as well as provide additional load-bearing capacity. These conclusions can be useful in choosing the optimal type of foundation for objects with shallow foundations.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):52-56
pages 52-56 views

About Some Properties of Structural Steel Used in the Construction of a Railway Bridge Over the Amur River in the Early XX Century (To the 110ʰᵗ anniversary of the start of construction of the Amur Bridge)

Komarov O., Volkov A.


The main stages of construction in 1913–1916 of the railroad bridge across the Amur River near Khabarovsk are presented. The peculiarities of the construction of the structure in the difficult foreign policy conditions of the beginning of the last century, which caused a reduction in the pace of construction, are noted. The most honored organizers, designers and builders of the Amur Bridge are mentioned. Construction materials and places of their extraction, as well as suppliers of structural steel used in the construction of a unique transportation structure are specified. The methods of construction and assembly of the main load-bearing elements of the bridge structure are considered. Special attention is paid to the study of chemical composition, microand macrostructure, hardness of structural steels used in the manufacture of bridge spans. Conclusions about the conformity of the chemical composition of the investigated materials to the alloys specified in the current normative documentation, as well as the method of their smelting are formed. Modern metal materials used in the reconstruction of the bridge crossing at the beginning of the XXI century are given for comparison. The functionality of the bridge after reconstruction is reflected and the potential of its further development is given. A promising method of increasing the complex of characteristics of metal products by processing billets in solid-liquid state, which allows to reduce the metal consumption of structures, is considered.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):57-65
pages 57-65 views

Restoration of Brickwork at the Cultural Heritage Sites of Orenburg

Odintsov A., Klimova Y.


Orenburg as the administrative center of the Orenburg region of Russia and the Orenburg region was formed in 1743. One of the few cities in the Russian Federation that has a protected historical center, Orenburg is one of the first places where the eclectic architectural style was born, which carries a mixture of architectural styles. The paper presents an analysis of archival records of the history of the construction of the city of Orenburg, the features of the city’s layout, including cultural heritage sites built of ceramic bricks. The features of the first buildings made of ceramic bricks, which formed the architectural style of the city and influenced the construction of brick buildings in the region, their history of modification and the methods used to restore the historical appearance of facades, are considered. The analysis of modern methods of restoration of brickwork has been carried out. The features of the materials used at such objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, built of ceramic bricks, are considered.

Housing Construction. 2024;(3):66-70
pages 66-70 views

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