Design of Earthquake-Resistant Buildings. New Generation Standards

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In modern practice of designing buildings in seismic areas, there is a constant increase in the level of detail of models, however, calculations often ignore the fact that seismic impact is a random process with large variability of parameters, and the interaction of the structure with a nonlinearly deformable foundation is not always taken into account correctly. In addition, when calculating seismic impacts, it is necessary to use modern material models that take into account the nonlinear nature of deformation under cyclic loads. All the factors described above indicate the need to develop complex methods for calculating seismic impacts. The article describes an integrated approach to the calculations of buildings and structures being built in seismic areas, and also provides the main theses for the STO “Construction in seismic areas. Basic provisions”. The section “materials used and research methods” presents the key components of the proposed methodology (nonlinear calculation method, material models and foundation model). The section “research results” presents the main provisions of the proposed two-level calculation. In conclusion, it was concluded that it is necessary to update modern standards and methods of calculation for seismic impacts.

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About the authors

O. V. Mkrtychev

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) 

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. M. Lokhova

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Characteristics of a random process (envelope and spectrum)

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3. Fig. 2. Many implementations of a random process (accelerogram)

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4. Fig. 3. Calculation scheme of the building: a – general appearance; b – fragment (with reinforcing frame)

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5. Fig. 4. Isofields of the level of accumulation of damage in concrete at time t=20 seconds К=0,3

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6. Fig. 5. Picture of destruction and isofield of the level of damage accumulation in concrete at time t =6,5 seconds (К=1)

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7. Fig. 6. Yield Surface Shape

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8. Fig. 7. Design scheme of a building on a non-linearly deformable soil base

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