
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: Diagnosis and severity assessment
Beshlieva D.D., Kalashnikov V.Y., Smirnova O.M.
Use of meldonium in the combination treatment of patients with heart failure in the early post-infarction period
Statsenko M.E., Shilina N.N., Turkina S.V.
Impact of combination antihypertensive therapy on heart rate variability parameters and target organ status in patients with arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Statsenko M.E., Derevianchenko M.V., Titarenko M.N., Mikhaleva A.V.
Heart rate variability in migrants to the North with hypertension comorbid with biliary diseases
Daryanina S.A., Pal'tsev A.I., Nikolaev Y.A., Daryanina S.A., Paltsev A.I., Nikolaev Y.A.
Role of pFox inhibitors in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial ischemia
Statsenko M.E., Turkina S.V., Shilina N.N.
Correlations between heart rate variability, renin activity and plasma aldosteron concentration in chronic glomerulonephritis with intact function of the kidneys
Borovkova N.Y., Borovkov N.N., Sidnev B.N., Obukhova E.O., Borovkova N.Y., Borovkov N.N., Sidnev B.N., Obukhova E.O.
Comparative characteristics of 24-hour blood pressure profile and heart rate variability in indigenous and non-indigenous patients with chronic coronary heart disease and hypertension from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomic District
Gapon L.I., Sereda T.V., Leont'eva A.V., Gul'tiaeva E.P.
Impaired cardiac structural and functional parameters in patients with chronic heart failure and diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy
Statsenko M.E., Turkina S.V., Shalaeva S.S., Vinnikova A.A.
Heart rate variability in patients with ankylosing spondilitis (Bekhterev's disease)
Poddubnyy D.A., Gaydukova I.Z., Rebrov A.P., Poddubny D.A., Gaidukova I.Z., Rebrov A.P.
Heart rate variability in patients with thyrotoxicosis before and after thyroid resection
Shpak L.V., Volkova Y.A., Shpak L.V., Volkova Y.A.
Pre-treatment condition effects on blood pressure and heart rate variability change in patients with arterial hypertension on therapy
Talabanov P.G., Kozlovskaya I.L., Ryabykina G.V., Sobolev A.V., Kozhemyakina E.S.
Clinical implication of assessment of heart rate variability in patients with psoriatic arthritis
Novikova D.S., Korotaeva T.V., Loginova E.Y., Popkova T.V., Markelova E.I., Novikov A.A., Aleksandrova E.N., Mach E.S., Nasonov E.L., Novikova D.S., Korotaeva T.V., Loginova E.Y., Popkova T.V., Markelova E.I., Novikov A.A., Alexandrova E.N., Mach E.S., Nasonov E.L.
Heart rate variability in patients with neurocardiogenic syncopes
Abdrakhmanov A.S., Abdrakhmanov A.S.
Spectral indices of heart rate variability in patients with vasovagal syncopes according to evidence of 5-min ECG
Vershuta E.V., Pevzner A.V., Ermishkin V.V., Kuchinskaya E.A., Al'bitskaya K.V., Kheymets G.I., Mazygula E.P., Rogoza A.N., Golitsyn S.P., Gorelova O.M., Vershuta E.V., Pevzner A.V., Ermishkin V.V., Kuchinskaya E.A., Albitskaya K.V., Heimets G.I., Mazygula E.P., Rogoza A.N., Golitsyn S.P., Gorelova O.M.
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