Analytical Confirmation of the Calculated Dependencies for Heat Exchange in a Plate Recuperator when Humidifying the Auxiliary Flow




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The relevance of the study is related to the need to ensure maximum reduction of energy consumption while ensuring the calculated parameters of the indoor climate in buildings under the Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving...” and the updated version of SP 131. The purpose of the study is to obtain an approximate analytical expression of this dependence, which makes it possible to additionally confirm the results of field and numerical experiments previously performed by the authors for this flow treatment scheme. The objective of the study is to build a simplified mathematical model of the processes of changing the heat and humidity state of the air in the recuperator, identify the main factors affecting the increasing multiplier to the coefficient of temperature efficiency of the device and obtain the necessary numerical coefficients in formulas linking the desired and initial parameters. The general equation of thermal balance and heat transfer for the heat exchanger as a whole is used, including the integral characteristics of the apparatus in a dimensionless form, as well as standard techniques of algebraic transformations. An approximate analytical expression is obtained for an increasing multiplier to the coefficient of thermal efficiency of the recuperator taking into account the additional cooling of the inflow due to the heat consumption for evaporation. It is shown that the general structure of this ratio coincides with the one found by the authors earlier by processing the results of numerical modeling of a two-dimensional temperature field in a heat exchanger, taking into account experimental data on the amount of moisture carried away, which confirms their correctness and reliability.




O. Samarin

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) 

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

D. Kirushok

Federal Center for Regulation, Standardization and Technical Assessment of Compliance in Construction (FAU “FTSS”)



俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Dependence on the NTU´ for the correction factor to the value εₓ due to the effect of evaporation at NTU=0.9 (а) with NTU=1,5 (b): 1 – numerical calculation; 2 – approximation by (5); 3 – by (6)

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