Density-specific distribution of erythrocytes in different types of anemia




Aim. To study density-specific distribution of erythrocytes (DSDE) in different types of anemia.
Material and methods. DSDE was determined in anemic patients by fractionation of the whole blood in hematocritic capillaries in the presence of mixtures of dimethyl- and dibutylphthalates with known density.
Results. Parameters are proposed which characterize DSDE changes typical for each type of anemia: mean erythrocyte density (MED) - mean density of total erythrocytic population; DSDE width (W) - a characteristic of erythrocytic population heterogeneity; light fraction of erythrocytes (LEF) - % of the cells with density less than 1.086 g/ml (hypochromic cells and reticulocytes); dense fraction of erythrocytes (DEF) - % of cells with density over 1.112 g/ml (hyperchromic cells forming as a result of erythrocyte dehydration). DSDE parameters for different types of anemia differed: reduced MED was typical for iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), increased DEF was seen in microspherocytic anemia (MSA), autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA), deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, increased LEF was observed in reticulocytosis in all anemia types except MSA, DSDE W was larger in MSA, AHA, PNA.
Conclusion. DSDE is determined by proportion of erythropoiesis and sequestration of erythrocytes as well as pathological impacts leading to impairment of membrane permeability for cations and erythrocytic metabolism. Informative value of DSDE parameters makes them effective for diagnostic screening of anemias and control over course of different diseases.


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