Effects of carvedilol, atenolol and their combination with fosinopril on cardiac rhythm variability, clinicofunctional status and quality of life in patients with postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction

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Aim. To study effects ofcarvedilol and atenolol and their combination with fosinopril on heart rhythm
variability (HRV), clinicofimctional status and quality of life in postmyocardial infarction patients with
moderate chronic cardiac failure (CCF).
Material and methods. An 8-week randomized open study enrolled 50 male patients (mean age
55.7 ± 1.58 years) with postinfarction CCF. They were divided into two equal groups. Group one received carvedilol (24.4 ±2.0 mg/day) followed by addition of fosinopril (2.5-40 mg/day). Group 2
received atenolol (44.1 ±5.1 mg/day) followed by fosinopril in the same dose as in group 1.
Results. A 4-week therapy with carvedilol and atenolol effectively corrected depression of HRV in both
the group. Combined therapy with these beta-adrenoblockers and fosinopril improved impaired global
left ventricular contractility , exercise tolerance, quality of life, relieved symptoms of CCF.
Conclusion. Carvedilol, atenolol and their combination with fosinopril in patients with postinfarction
CCF improve clinico-hemodynamic and functional status, raise HRV and quality of life.


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