Clinicomorphological characteristics of acute gastroduodenal erosions and ulcers in unstable course of ischemic heart disease and contribution of microcirculatory,hemostatic and gastric functional disorders to their development

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Aim. Determination of clinicomorphological characteristics of acute gastroduodenal erosions and ulcers in unstable course of IHD and the role of disorders in microcirculation, hemostasis, gastric function in development of these erosions.
Material and methods. Clinically and endoscopically were examined 124 patients with unstable IHD. By detected gastroduodenal changes the patients were divided into three groups. The study was also made of local and systemic microcirculation, hemostasis, gastric functions.
Results. Acute gastroduodenal erosions and ulcers in unstable course of ischemic heart disease manifest with mild abdominal pains and gastric dyspepsia for several days. Disorders in the gastroduodenal zone arise because of focal disturbances of terminal circulation in the mucose according to thromboischemic or thrombohemorrhagic types related to generalized changes of microcirculation and hemostasis. High activity of acid-peptic factor, low production of gastromucoproteins and hypomotor dyskinesia of the stomach contribute to development of erosive-ulcerous lesions.
Conclusion. The above information is useful for early diagnosis of acute gastroduodenal erosions and ulcers in unstable course of IHD and upgrading of therapeutic measures.


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