Treatment of disbacteriosis of gastroduodenal mucous microflora in its inflammation and erosion

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Aim. To propose pharmacotherapy of disbacteriosis of gastroduodenal mucous microflora in gastroduodenal inflammation, erosion and ulcer.
Material and methods. The study enrolled 30 healthy volunteers, 130 ulcer patients and 36 patients with chronic gastritis (27% of the latter had chronic duodenitis). In addition to general clinical examination, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, we made histological and microbiological examinations of biopsy specimens of the mucosa from different parts of the stomach and duodenum, determined sensitivity of the microflora to antibacterial drugs.
Results. We found that recurrent ulcer, chronic gastritis and duodenitis are accompanied with overgrowth of pathogenic microflora in gastric and duodenal mucosa.
Conclusion. We developed an effective method of the treatment of gastroduodenal mucosa microflora disbacteriosis in gastroduodenal inflammation, erosion and ulcer including antibacterial, antifungal drugs and probiotics.

About the authors

Vyacheslav Vasil'evich Chernin

Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Chervinets

Viktor Mikhaylovich Bondarenko

Sergey Nikolaevich Bazlov

V V Chernin

State Medical Academy, Tver

State Medical Academy, Tver

V M Chervinets

State Medical Academy, Tver

State Medical Academy, Tver

V M Bondarenko

N.F. Gamalei Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

N.F. Gamalei Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

S N Bazlov

State Medical Academy, Tver

State Medical Academy, Tver


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