Rehabilitation treatment of convalescents after remorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the outpatient clinic

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Aim. To assess clinical efficacy of mineral water and perindopril in convalescents after hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in outpatient setting.
Material and methods. The study covered 113 HFRS convalescents. HFRS was confirmed serologically The patients were divided into three groups: group 1 (n = 50) received no rehabilitation caregroup 2(n= 32) drank mineral water "varzi-yatchi"; group 3 (n = 31) drank mineral water and took perindopril (2 mg/day). Aftertreatment continued for 30-35 days. The effect was assessed by a complex of clinical-laboratory and functional tests for examination of renal functions (Reberg-Tareev, Zimnitsky tests, estimation of uric acid clearance and renal functional reserve, an 18-hour water deprivation test).
Results. Mineral water varzi-yatchi and perindopril had a favourable effect on clinical condition and renal functions of HFRS convalescents. Compared to the controls (p < 0.05), they had less severe weakness, lumbar pains, edema of the lower limbs; positive changes in intraglomerular hemodynamics, renal transport of beta2-microglobulin (MG), uric acid transport.
Conclusion. It is shown that HFRS convalescents have defective glomerular and tubulointerstitial systems of the kidneys. These disorders demand a differential therapeutic approach. Drinking mineral water improves some tubular functions. The addition of perindopril is necessary in detection of arterial hypertension, impairment of intraglomerular hemodynamics, hyperexcretion of beta2-MG, osmoregulating renal dysfunction.

About the authors

L Т Pimenov

M Yu Vasilyev


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