HG-viral infection in adults

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Aim. To characterize the clinical and laboratory manifestations in patients with HG viral infection frequently concurrent with chronic HCV infection and the potentialities of their treatment.
Materials and methods. 109 patients with suspected chronic hepatic disease were examined. The
markers of HGV, HCV, HBV, and TTVinfections were determined. The possible factors of infection,
biochemical parameters, and the efficiency of antiviral therapy were assessed.
Results. Hepatitis G virus RNK was detected in 32 cases, a combined variant of hepatitis G + С viruses RNA was found in 77 patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVH). Among the presumed routes of
contamination in the mixed variant of CVH, there were most common intravenous injection of narcotic
drugs; in monoinfection (HGV), there were parenteral interventions in medical facilities and blood
transfusion. Antiviral treatment of 13 patients with chronic HGV + HCV infection yielded a positive
result in 5 patients after 3-month therapy.
Conclusion. In patients with CVH, HG virus infection was more frequently observed in combination
with CVHC, less frequently as monoinfection. In HG virus monoinfection, biochemical studies revealed the enhanced activity of transaminases and hyperbilirubinemia that was absent in the mixed
variant of HGV + HCV. The financial capacities of patients should be taken into account while
choosing therapy.

About the authors

T Ye Lisukova


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