
The Increasing еhe Efficiency of Fiber Reinforced High-Strength Self-Compacting and Carcass Concretes
Erofeev V., Tarakanov O., Ananyev S., Lesnov V., Erofeeva I., Sanyagina Y., Sidorov N., Ananyeva Y.
Granite Crushing Screenings as a Component Factor in the Concrete Structure Formation. Part II: Experimental Studies of Structure-forming Potential
Makeev A.
Photocatalytically Active Fine-Grained Concrete Based on Titanosilicate Waste
Tyukavkina V., Tsyryatieva A.
Nodes of Experimental Installations for Testing Concrete for Creep
Arleninov P., Krylov S., Konin D., Neschadimov V.
Physico-Chemical Methods for Studying Materials for the Production of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
Akberova S.
Modeling of Accelerated Hardening of Self-Compacting Concrete by Methods of Mathematical Experiment Planning
Kastornykh L., Gikalo M., Kaklyugin A., Serebryanaya I., Kuzmenko D.
Features of the Behavior of Highly Frost-Resistant Modified Concretes
Shuldyakov K., Butakova M., Mordovtseva M., Zimakov K.
Application of Blast Furnace Granulated Slag for Self-Healing Bio-Concretes
Chernykh T., Gorbachevskikh K., Komelkova M., Platkovskiy P., Kriushin M., Orlov A.
Risks of Using Slag Aggregates in Concrete Products for Road Construction
Kolomoitsev N., Makaeva A.
On the Issue of Ensuring the Durability of Products and Structures Made of High-Strength Concrete to Explosive Destruction
Akhtyamov R., Ahmed’yanov R., Gamaliy E., Averina G.
Changing the Technological Properties and Strength Characteristics of Highly Mobile Concrete by Introducing a Complex Modifier
Ilina L., Berdov G., Vishnyakov N., Tsekar D.
Structure and Properties of Fine-Grained Concrete Based on Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Dry Mortars for 3DCP
Rakhimov R., Mukhametrakhimov R., Galautdinov A., Ziganshina L.
Modified Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Concrete for 3DCP
Mukhametrakhimov R., Rakhimov R., Galautdinov A., Ziganshina L.
Mechanics of Durability of Structural Concrete: a New Approach to the Phenomenon of Degradation. Part 1. Shrinkage
Leonovich S.
Setting Deadlines for the Manufacture of Monolithic Concrete Structures During Construction and Technical Examinations
Bondarev B., Kozomazov V., Bondarev A., Kozomazov A., Zhidkov V.
Lightweight Concretes on Hollow and Porous Aggregates
Inozemtsev A., Korolev E.
Mechanics of durability of structural concrete: new approach to the phenomenon of degradation. Part 2. Corrosion of reinforcement
Leonovich S.
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