On the Issue of Ensuring the Durability of Products and Structures Made of High-Strength Concrete to Explosive Destruction

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Fire safety procedures are an integral part of the design process of civil and industrial construction facilities. When carrying out design calculations, up-to-date reference data on the resistance of known types of building materials to the effects of open fire and elevated temperatures are used. However, modification of the compositions and properties of such materials may cause changes in their behavior in fire conditions. Thus, new types of high-strength concretes based on Portland cement in practice have shown a tendency to explosive destruction, which significantly affects the reliability of the simulation results of their resistance to prolonged and short-term exposure to elevated temperatures. The presented work provides an overview and assessment of the current state of the issue of ensuring fire safety of structures made of high-strength concrete, additional measures are proposed to improve the existing algorithms for determining their fire resistance.

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About the authors

R. Ya. Akhtyamov

“Ural Research Institute of Building Materials” LLC

Author for correspondence.
Email: sekr@7359808.ru

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

R. M. Ahmed’yanov

“Ural Research Institute of Building Materials” LLC

Email: lab@2170812.ru

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

E. A. Gamaliy

“Ural Research Institute of Building Materials” LLC

Email: eagamaliy@mail.ru

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) 

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

G. F. Averina

“Ural Research Institute of Building Materials” LLC

Email: avergf@gmail.com

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Consequences of explosive destruction of concrete: а – the outer wall of the building, the source of fire is an ignited tractor; b – fire explosive destruction of a concrete garage roof, the source of fire is burning cars, photo by Robert Jansson [7]; c – the construction of the Mont Blanc tunnel after the fire in 1999 [8]

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3. Fig. 2. Samples of heavy concrete B80: а – natural humidity before heating (up) and heated to 400оС at a speed of 150оС/h (down); b – after drying to constant weight and testing on prismatic strength in a condition heated to 800оС

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4. Fig. 3. Test for explosive destruction of concrete when heated: а – test installation; b – samples after testing and cooling [15]

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5. Fig. 4. Testing the explosive destruction of concrete when heated by an open flame according to the method developed by UralNIIstrom LLC

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