Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma: The problems of diagnosis and treatment




In the past decade, a notable advance has been made in the understanding of the pathogenesis of NK/T-cell lymphomas; however, their diagnosis remains difficult because of their rarity and clinical and morphological variabilities. The paper generalizes the ten-year experience of the Hematology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia, in diagnosing and treating hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTL), considers the problems of differential diagnosis with other hematological diseases occurring with similar clinical and laboratory symptoms, and lays down current approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of this condition. A clinician’s view of the problem of diagnosis and treatment of this disease is given. HSTL is shown to be a heterogeneous group of diseases differing in a T-cell receptor chain gene rearrangement, the clinical course of the disease, and overall survival (OS). According to our data, 3-year OS was 12%; the median survival was 26 months. Two-year OS for γδ and αβ HSTL was equal to 25 and 70%, respectively. The difference in OS for the variants of HSTL failed to reach statistical significance (because the sample might be insufficient).


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