Secondary autoimmune hemolytic anemia as a result of B19 parvovirus persistence in immunodeficient patients




Aim. To ascertain informative value of immunological diagnosis of B19 parvovirus in combination with polymerase chain reaction (PCR); to analyse frequency of development of secondary autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) in immunodeficient patients as a result of virus persistence - persistent infection eliminated only by treatment causing suppression of erythropoiesis.
Material and methods. B19 parvovirus detection was performed in blood serum of 207 subjects: 144 patients with anemia (Hb < 100 g/1) and 500 blood donors. DNA of parvovirus B19 was detected in the sera by PCR, antibodies to this virus - by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). IgG, IgM, IgA and components of compliment Clq, C3 on the surface of erythrocytes were detected by EIA in anemic patients. Results. Parvovirus infection was registered in 30% patients, in 70% the infection was persistent. The latter were diagnosed to have secondary AIHA.
Conclusion. Combined application of PCR and EIA extends potentialities of diagnosis of infection caused by B19 parvovirus. Persistence of the parvovirus provokes onset of symptomatic hemolytic anemia in immunodeficient patients.


Ol'ga Yaguzhinskaya


Irina Fevraleva

Medina Elizhbaeva

Alla Levina

Galina Semenova

Natal'ya Bugar'

Lyudmila Tsybul'skaya

Elena Varlamova

Irina Shitareva

Nikolay Tsyba

Sergey Kravchenko

O Yaguzhinskaya

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

I Fevraleva

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

M Elizhbaeva

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

A Levina

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

G Semenova

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

N Bugar

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

L Tsybulskaya

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

E Varlamova

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

I Shitareva

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

N Tsyba

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

S Kravchenko

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow


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