Incidence of solid tumors in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia exposed to radiation after Chernobyl accident




Aim. To study incidence of solid tumors in patients who developed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) after exposure to ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident.
Material and methods. After analysis of data on all CLL male patients living in Kiev registered in the National Cancer Register of Ukraine in 1991-2008, these patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 56 Chernobyl rescuers exposed to ionizing radiation, group 2 - of 684 patients without history of Chernobyl-related radiation.
Results. Solid tumors were detected in 14 cases in group 1 and 74 cases in group 2 (p = 0.001). Risk to develop solid tumors in group 1 was significantly higher (OR 3.29 in 95% CI from 1.61 to 6.62).
Conclusion. The conclusion made needs further verification on wider data base.


Irina Abramenko


Nadezhda Belous


Irina Kryachok


Zoya Martina


Natal'ya Gudzenko

Email: gudznat@gmail.comовна

Zoya Fedorenko


Lyubov' Kutsenko


Irina Dyagil'


Anatoliy Chumak


Dmitriy Bazyka


Vladimir Bebeshko


I Abramenko

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

N Belous

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

I Kryachok

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

Z Martina

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

N Gudzenko

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Z Fedorenko

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

L Kutsenko

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

National Cancer Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

I Dyagil

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

A Chumak

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

D Bazyka

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

V Bebeshko

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Radiation Medicine Research Center, Institute of Clinical Radiology, Kiev, Ukraine


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