Outpatient prophylaxis and treatment of arterial hypertension with application of mobile telephone systems and internet techniques




Aim. To compare clinical efficacy of standard outpatient follow-up of hypertensive patients with efficacy of such follow-up with application of internet techniques and mobile telephone systems (ITMTS).
Material and methods. Two groups of hypertensive patients were examined: group 1 (n = 97, 45% females, age 49±11 years) on one-year ITMTS follow-up; group 2 (n = 102, 50% females, age 51±11 years) on standard one-year follow-up. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the rate of achievement and maintenance of target blood pressure, dynamics of modifiable risk factors (smoking, obesity) for a year.
Results. Withdrawal in group 1 was 36%, target blood pressure was achieved in 77% patients vs 12% in group 2 (p < 0.001).
Conclusion. Introduction of ITMTS technologies into outpatient clinics activity considerably raises efficacy of outpatient treatment of hypertensive patients.


Anton Kiselev

Email: antonkis@list.ru

Vladimir Shvarts

Ol'ga Posnenkova

Vladimir Gridnev

Email: gridnev@san.ru

Pavel Dovgalevskiy

Elena Oshchepkova

Svetlana Evstifeeva

A Kiselev

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

V Shvarts

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

O Posnenkova

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

V Gridnev

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

P Dovgalevsky

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

Research Institute of Cardiology, Saratov

E Oschepkova

Russian Cardiology Research Center, Moscow

Russian Cardiology Research Center, Moscow

S Evstifeeva

Russian Cardiology Research Center, Moscow

Russian Cardiology Research Center, Moscow


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