Cardiovascular diseases and erectile dysfunction




Until recently, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been considered to be psychogenic in nature in most cases. Advances in our knowledge about the physiology of erection and the pathophysiology of ED have clarified that it is due to organic causes in most cases. Atherosclerosis-associated intraorgan lesion is most frequently encountered.
ED is closely related to common cardiovascular risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, physical inactivity. Endothelial dysfunction is of great and universal importance for the genesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and ED. As a manifestation of endothelial dysfunction, ED is an independent risk factor for CVD since vascular endothelial damage is one of the first stages of atherosclerotic plaque formation. ED is an early symptom that is suggestive of atherosclerotic lesion of arterial vessels, coronary arteries in particular. The first manifestation of atherosclerosis in the large arteries is frequently the life-threatening complications myocardial infarction or stroke, which underlines the importance of timely detection of early-stage vascular system lesions.
Understanding ED of arteriogenic origin as an early sign of vascular lesion gives a clinician the unique chance to take preventive measures that can prevent complications of CVD.


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