The clinical diagnostic value of a study of the activity of enzymes of the guanyl branch of purine metabolism in patients with ankylosing spondyloarthritis




Aim. To assess the diagnosis of the activity of a pathological process in patients with ankylosing spondyloarthritis (AS) and to reveal purine metabolic (PM) changes in relation to the clinical features of AS.
Materials and methods. The serum activities of the PM enzymes: xanthine oxidase (XO), guanine deaminase (GDA), guanosine deaminase (GSDA), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), guanosine phosphorylase (GP), and adenosine deaminase (ADA) were determined in 55 patients (51 males and 4 females) aged 36.0 ± 1.4 years). A control group comprised 30 apparently age- and gender-matched healthy individuals, as in the study group.
Results. On admission, the patients were found to have increased XO, GDA, PNP, and GD activities and decreased GSDA activity. The higher activity of the process was observed, the greater activities of GDA, XO, PNP, GP and the lower activity of GSDA and ADA were. There were the enzymatic activity differences that depended on the degree of pathological process activity, clinical form, the magnitude of X-ray changes, and the degree of joint functional insufficiency.
Conclusion. The findings suggest that there may be PM disturbances in the immunocompetent cells.


Aleksandr Zborovskiy


Elena Mozgovaya


Vladislav Martem'yanov

Ol'ga Slyusar'


Mikhail Stazharov

S Bedina

A Zborovsky

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

E Mozgovaya

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

V Martemyanov

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

O Slyusar

City Clinical Hospital Twenty Five

City Clinical Hospital Twenty Five

M Stazharov

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

S Bedina

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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