Efficacy of transesophageal pacing for correction of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation of type I in patients with coronary heart disease




Aim. To analyse the results of using transesophageal pacing (TEP) for correction of atrial fibrillation of type I (AF).
Material and methods. The study included 1283 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and newly diagnosed AF. All the patients were examined with transthoracic echocardiography, received basic antianginal treatment. AF was corrected with TEP.
Results. Sinus rhythm was reestablished in 83.48% patients, in 67.33% TEP was made without previous antiarrhythmic therapy, in the rest patients with this pretreatment. The best result was observed in pre-pacing administration of amiodaron or its combination with hinidin-durules. Only 2.88% patients retained AF after TEP.
Conclusion. TEP is an effective method of type I AF treatment.


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