Efficacy of a cytoprotector mexicor in urgent cardiology




Aim. To study efficacy of cytoprotector mexicor in patients with unstable angina (UA), acute myocardial infarction (MI), hypertensive crises (HC) in combined therapy with conventional drugs. Material and methods. An open randomized study included 338 patients with acute forms of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and arterial hypertension running with crises. Combined therapy of 20 patients with UA, 90 patients with MI and 43 patients with HC (study groups) was supplemented with mexicor in a dose 6-9 mg/kg/day. The control matched patients (20, 86 and 79 patients, respectively) received conventional treatment alone. The effects of the treatments were assessed by ultrasound investigation of the heart in M-, B- and Doppler modes, by ECG and arterial pressure 24-h monitoring, by activity of lipid peroxidation (LPO).
Results. Adjuvant therapy of urgent cardiological conditions with mexicor diminished oxidant stress, left ventricular dysfunction. In MI patients mexicor promoted reduction of the akinesia zones, recovery of disturbed segmentary contractility. In UA patients mexicor contributed to more pronounced decrease in the frequency, duration and severity of myocardial ischemia, enhanced stabilization of angina. In HC patients mexicor promoted earlier normalization of a 24-h AP profile and variability of cardiac rhythm, recurrence rate of HC decreased 2-fold.
Conclusion. The addition of mexicor to conventional therapy of UA, MI, HC improves clinical course of these diseases, reduces oxidant stress, accelerates recovery of cardiac contractility and left ventricular diastolic function, normalization of central hemodynamics.


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