Content of the antigenic determinants CD16, CD 25,CD95, and HLA-DR in the induced sputum of patientswith bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis




Aim. To examine the content of CD16, CD 25, CD95, and HLA-DR antigenic determinants in induced sputum (IS) of patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB).
Materials and methods. The study enrolled 36 patients with BA and 15 with COB whose age was 21
to 58 years. The cellular precipitate of IS served as a material for the study. The studied receptors
were determined by immunofluorescence using the "Clonospectrum " monoclonal antibodies.
Results. There was an increase in the content of CD16, CD25, HLA-DR, CD95 whose expression was
decreased when glucocorticosteroids were used. At remission of asthma, the level of these receptors approximated that in the control group. On an exacerbation of COB, the content of these markers was
significantly less than that in the controls and the use of antibacterial agents and methylxanthines led
to its rise. At remission of COB, CD 16 and CD25 cells were not recorded.
Conclusion. The levels of membrane markers in IM of patients with BA and COB depend on the period of the disease and used therapy.


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