Interleukines in chronic gastrointestinal diseases




Aim. To characterize quantitatively and functionally interleukines (IL) in chronic gastrointestinal diseases (CGD) depending on the affected organ, etiology, activity and stage of the disease. Material and methods. Levels of IL-lfi, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), gamma interferon (lnf-у) in peripheral blood of 300 patients with chronic hepatitis, gastroduodenal ulcer, cholelithiasis, glutenic enteropathy and other CGD were measured by enzyme immunoassay.
Results. CGD are accompanied by cytokine imbalance the severity of which depended on the etiological factor (virus, alcohol, etc.), the disease activity, stage and kind of IL. A maximal IL rise was seen in exacerbations of ulcer, cholelithiasis, chronic viral, autoimmune diseases. At early disease stages higher were the levels of Inf-y, IL-Jfi, IL-S, IL-6; at late stages - of TNF-a, IL-4. In patients with highly and moderately active CGD content of IL reached 250-750pg/ml that is 3-5 times higher than in inactive CGD. In alcohol-induced CGD and metabolic disturbances IL level was under 150 pg/ml. Conclusion. Assessment of the cytokine spectrum in CGD holds prognostic importance as this spectrum allows contusion on the disease activity, its progression.


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