Food allergy

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Food allergy (FA) - a condition of high sensitivity to food products - is widely spread allergic disease treated by allergologists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists, physicians, pulmonologists. FA pathogenesis involves immunological mechanisms with participation of immunocompetent cells and production of IgE and IgG. Treatment aims at elimination of causative antigen. Proteins of cow milk, hen's eggs, cereals, fish, citrus fruit, nuts, tomatos are most common such antigens. It is especially important for infants. FA manifests with anaphylactic shock, oral allergic syndrome, respiratory symptoms, abdominal impairments. The digestive system is both a target and a course of FA formation. FA arises mostly because of defects of gastrointestinal immune system, inability to synthetize IgA in adequate quantity while IgA has protective properties. Therefore, FA treatment should include probiotics, cytoprotectors, enzymes, sorbents. Atopic dermatitis, one of FA manifestations, is treated with non-hormonal drugs containing lipids, urea, topic inhibitors of calcinevrin. On demand, topic glucocorticosteroids, sometimes in combination with antimicrobial and antifungal drugs are added. Multidisciplinary approach to FA problem gives positive results.

About the authors

Elena Vladimipovna Luzina


Irina Kimovna Bogomolova

Viktor Nikolaevich Tereshchenko

E V Luzina

State Medical Academy, Chita

State Medical Academy, Chita

I K Bogomolova

State Medical Academy, Chita

State Medical Academy, Chita

V N Tereschenko

State Medical Academy, Chita

State Medical Academy, Chita


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