Knowledge ofcardiovascular disease risk factors in open population of Tyumen and social gradient

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Aim. To study knowledge of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors (RF) in open population of Tyumen with reference to social gradient.
Material and methods. Knowledge of CVD RF was studied in 2248 citizens of Tyumen (men and
women, age 25-64 years) by means of mail questionnaire survey. The knowledge was assessed with
consideration of education, occupation and marriage status.
Results. The examinees with primary education and manual labour workers were found to have little
knowledge of the CVD RF while those with university education, engineers and specialists were well
informed. Married population, widows and widowers knew about CVD RF more than divorced.
Conclusion. The results of the study can serve a basis for a large-scale prophylactic program in open
population of Tyumen.


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