Duodenal intubation: present view (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of duodenal intubation)




The paper presents the proceedings on the Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Duodenal Intubation" at the 9th Congress of the Scientific Society of Gastroenterologists of Russia. Particular emphasis is laid on the significance of the clinical and experimental studies-based scientific discovery made by V. A. Galkin and A. S. Chechulin - the Galkin-Chechulin effect (the 1957 priority) for the detection and treatment of prestone stages of cholelithiasis. The steps for improving the bile examination techniques at duodenal intubation (V. A. Galkin, L. S. Korzyuk, V. A. Maksimov, A. A. Ilyechenko) are described. Duodenal intubation as the method of choice for bile examination is proposed to be included into the mandatory diagnostic standards.


Valeriy Maksimov

V Maksimov

Medical Service, Research-Technical Center, "Granit" Interdistrict Research-and-Technology Association

Medical Service, Research-Technical Center, "Granit" Interdistrict Research-and-Technology Association



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