Pneumonia or drug-related exogenic allergic alveolitis? Key role of anamnesis in differential diagnosis

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A case is reported of an old female patient with exogenic allergic alveolitis which was first diagnosed as pneumonia progressing in the presence of long-term and intensive antibiotic treatment. Detailed analysis of the case history gave grounds for suspected drug-related exogenic allergic alveolitis. Discontinuation of antibiotics, administration of glucocorticoids and antiplatelet drugs led to recovery.

About the authors

Igor' Mikhaylovich Skipskiy

Nikolay Vladimirovich Efimov

Il'ya Izrailevich Dantsig

Lyubov' Mikhaylovna Matyukhina

Ol'ga Yakovlevna Kostina

I M Skipsky

I.I. Mechnikov St-Petersburg State Medical Academy

I.I. Mechnikov St-Petersburg State Medical Academy

N V Efimov

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

I I Dantsig

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

L M Matyukhina

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

O Ya Kostina

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

Hospital of the Russian Railway Company, St-Petersburg

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