Follow-up study of expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p53 and ACE in CD34+ cells of peripheral blood and bone marrow in acute leukemia patients in the course of induction chemotherapy




Aim. To determine unbalance in the system of programmed cell death in the cells CD34+ of the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) before and after cytostatic impact in acute leukemia (AL).
Material and methods. Flow cytoflowmetry estimated expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p53 and ACE in the cells CD34+ of BM and PB from 10 AL (4 AML and 6 ALL) patients. PB and BM samples were studied before polychemotherapy (PCT) and in the course of induction treatment: on day +8, +21 (blood only), +36 - 38. Control group consisted of 4 BM donors.
Results. The number of CD34+ cells expressing Bcl-2 in AL patients was 46,5 ± 9,35 % in BM and 39,4 + 10,8 % in PB, in healthy donors - 9 and 32,8 %, respectively. Bax expression in AL patients' cells CD34+ of BM versus this expression in donors was 3 times higher (36,7 ± 8,1 and 14,8%, respectively), of PC - 2 times lower (40,7 ± 6,59 and 75,8%, respectively). Expression of p53 in AL patients was 36,8 ± 9 % in BM and 26 ± 7,4 % in PB, in donors - 28,2 and 65 %, respectively. ACE expression on the cells CD34+ in AL patients in early disease was 62 ± 7,57 % in BM and 48 ± 8,1 % in PB, in donors - 40 and 85 %, respectively. Moreover, there were significant changes in expression of Bcl-2 in BM and Bax, ACE and p53 in PB in the cells CD34+ in AL patients during and after induction PCT.
Conclusion. The above changes evidence for unbalance of pro- and antiapoptosis proteins of regulators in AL patients. PCT changes profile of expression of these proteins, but not to the level of healthy donors.


Elena Khodunova


Elena Parovichnikova


Irina Gal'tseva

Sergey Kulikov

Valentin Isaev

Valeriy Savchenko

E Khodunova

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

E Parovichnikova

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

I Galtseva

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

S Kulikov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

V Isaev

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

V Savchenko

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow


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