Digestive system pathology in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with coronary heart disease

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Aim. to study clinical and functional impairments in the digestive system in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including that in the presence of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Subjects and methods. Clinical and functional impairments were analyzed in 1104 patients. Of them, 402 patients had COPD (Group 1); 459 had COPD concurrent with angina on exertion (Group 2); 243 had CHD (Group 3). All the patients suffered from cardiovascular diseases.
Results. In patients with concomitant pathology, chronic gastritis is a most frequently detectable disease of the digestive system (62.3%), gastroenterological complaints being insignificant. The rate of Helicobacter pylori infection was 68.2% (in Group 2 patients) to 83.7% (in Group 1). A morphological study indicated that in concomitant pathology the number of patients with signs of atrophy increased; at the same time there were microcirculatory disorders in the gastric mucosa. Ulcerative disease was diagnosed in one third of the patients, a gastric ulcerative process being more commonly located in the stomach. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was detected in 206 (51.2%) patients in Group 1, in 267 (58.2%) in Group 2, and in 113 (46.5%) in Group 3.
Conclusion. By resulting in the mutual burden of the disease, the high rate of concomitant digestive pathology necessitates additional examination and mandatory medical correction in patients with COPD.


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