Treatment of patients with hypertriglyceridemia

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Aim. To assess a hypolipidemic effect and tolerance of phenofibrate (lipantil 200M) in different variants of treatment in patients with combined hyperlipidemia having moderate and high levels of triglycerides (TG).
Material and methods. A total of 26 patients (16 males, 10 females; age 32-67, mean age 55.1 years) received lipantil 200M (phenofibrate) in a dose 200 mg for 12 weeks either as monotherapy or in combination with statins (or fibrate) or plasmapheresis. Clinical, biochemical and blood lipid parameters were studied at baseline and after 12-week treatment. Baseline mean value and standard deviation of a blood cholesterol level was 8.3 (15.4) mmol/l, TG - 7.2 (70.5) mmol/l).
Results. A mean cholesterol level decreased by 26.1%, TG - by 64.4%. Correlation with initial values was found. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure diminished significantly. No significant changes were found in the levels of AST, ALT, GGT, CPK, alkaline phosphotase, total bilirubin, creatinine. Before the treatment blood glucose was elevated in 14 patients, after 12-week therapy it remained elevated in 10 patients.
Conclusion. Lipantil 200 M (phenofibrate) had a good hypolipidemic effect in patients with combined hyperlipidemia in different baseline levels of cholesterol and TG elevation and in different variants of treatment. Significant side effects were not registered.


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