Effects of laser reflex therapy on a motor function of the gall bladder and physical properties of bile in patients with chronic acalculous cholecystitis

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Aim. To study effects of laser puncture in combined treatment of chronic non-calculous cholecystitis on motor function of the gallbladder, bile physical characteristics and clinical symptoms.
Material and methods. 73 patients with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis were divided into two groups: 35 patients received standard therapy alone (control group) and 38 patients were exposed to laser puncture as a component of combined treatment.
Results. Laser radiation on acupuncture points has a positive therapeutic result, i.e. shorter clinical symptoms, correction of motor function of the gallbladder and bile physical characteristics.
Conclusion. Laser puncture is an effective method of acalculous cholecystitis treatment and can be included in relevant combined schemes.


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