Clinical features and diagnosis of congenital stenosis of the pulmonary artery and right ventricularoutlet tract

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Aim. To analyse clinical manifestations of congenital pulmonary artery stenosis (CPAS) and right
ventricular outlet stenosis (RVOS), development of its diagnosis depending on anatomic variants of
heart disease.
Material and methods. The data on 539 patients examined with conventional clinical and highly in-
formative novel techniques were studied.
Results. The analysis of the CPAS and RVOS clinical picture depending on the anatomic variant of
the heart disease has shown that clinical symptomatology was of the same type. The data of the tests
have some specific features allowing identification of some forms of the heart disease.
Conclusion. Diagnostic and prognostic significance of the findings was determined which gave rise to
an optimal examination scheme with focus on wider use of highly informative techniques.


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