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Aim. To evaluate cardiodynamic changes in response to magnetolaser therapy (MLT) and these
changes links with lipid shifts in cell membrane.
Material and methods. The study enrolled 50 patients with effort angina (functional class 11-III). Of
them, 37 patients were exposed to 10-day courses of MLT, 13 patients were exposed to sham procedures. Before the treatment and 3 months after it measurements were made of lipid peroxidation
(LPO) products, structure of erythrocytic membrane and cardiodynamic parameters.
Results. MLT resulted in a significant reduction of LPO products, stabilization of cell membrane
structure and positive shifts in cardiodynamics. Correlation was found between the above parameters.
Conclusion. Improvement of inotropic, diastolic functions of the myocardium and abatement of cardiac remodeling in coronary heart disease patients in response to MLT is realized primarily due to
structural stabilization of cell membrane lipid biolayer.


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