Effects of drugs and acupuncture on the parameters of a bioenergogram in patients with bronchial asthma

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Aim. To evaluate the energy informational effects of various treatments in patients with bronchial asthma (BA).
Material and Methods. Changes in bioenergograms were analyzed in 139 patients after therapeutical exposures: intravenous prednizolone and dexamethasone, inhaled seretide, fluticasone propionate, beclomethasone, phenoterol, salmeterol, and salbutamol, the latter drug as tablets, as well as a course treatment with acupuncture. The energy informational effects of pumpan and nitrosorbide were studied in 22 patients with BA concurrent with cor pulmonale and coronary heart disease (CHD). Results. A significant difference was found in the parameters of a bioenergogram depending on the routes of administrations of the drugs and their dosage forms. The greatest and positive changes in the area of the bioenergogram were recorded when using salmeterol and salbutamol, particularly in the nebulization of their solutions, and acupuncture. The intravenous infusion of glucocorticosteroids frequently produced inhibitory effects. In patients with BA concurrent with cor pulmonale and CHD, the positive energy informational effect of pumpan, that differed from that of nitrosorbide, occurred with better ventricular repolarization and alleviated signs of right cardiac overload on ECG. Conclusion. The bioenergogram is highly sensitive to changes in the status of patients and it may be used to choose drugs and their combinations, combined drug therapy, and acupuncture on an individual basis. Pumpan is recommended for the treatment of patients with BA concurrent with cor pulmonale.


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