Efficiency of ursodesoxycholicacid in cholesterosis of the gallbladder

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Aim. To study efficacy of ursodesoxycholic acid (UA) drugs in the treatment of polypous and polyporeticular cholesterosis of the gallbladder (CGB), including combination with biliary sludge, with reference to terms of the treatment.
Material and methods. A contraction function of the gallbladder was studied ultrasonically in 74 CGB patients treated with UA drugs. The treatment lasted from 1 month to 1.5 years. A response (complete or partial dilution of cholesterol polyps) was recorded in 71.6% patients. Therapy was less effective if the gallbladder contained biliary sludge, heterogeneous bile and suspension, dense bile. The lytic therapy effect improved with treatment duration. Complete dissolving of cholesterol polyps was achieved after at least 10-month treatment. The treatment also brought about a marked choleretic effect and an increased ejection fraction of the gallbladder. Conclusion. UA drugs can be used in the treatment of CGB.

About the authors

A A Ilchenko

Yu N Orlova


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