The Contact Angles of Quartz and Caustic Dolomite Powders after Mechano-Magnetic Treatment




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The determination of the surface free energy (SFE) is currently achieved using an instrumental method, one of which is «sessile drop». The surface free energy of quartz and caustic dolomite powders was defined before and after mechano-magnetic activation in the Vortex layer device. Free surface energy was identified by the well-known models proposed by the Owens–Wendt–Rabel–Kaelble (OWRK) and Van Oss–Chaudhury–Good (VOCG). The determination of the surface free energy (SFE) based on the presented model provides a good convergence: due to experimental assumptions, the deviation in calculation results is 14–16%. It was shown that mechano-magnetic treatment increased the adhesion of quartz powder by 86% (from 73 to 136 J/m2) and caustic dolomite by 217% (from 884 to 2800 J/m2). The mechano-magnetic treatment of study materials can significantly improve the interaction of the liquid with solid. This is evident from comparison of two attributes: the amount of change of specific interphase surface energy of a solid at the boundary with the gas per to change of specific surface of the powder and the change in the cosine of contact wetting angle per to a change in specific surface of the powder. This means the first value that represents the intensity of the interaction between liquids and solids multiplу greater than an integral characteristic of the interaction at the boundary of three phases. Such changes in geometric characteristics and surface properties are effective factors in structure formation control, especially hydration hardening.




R. Ibragimov

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

俄罗斯联邦, 1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043

E. Korolev

Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

俄罗斯联邦, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005, St. Petersburg

Yu. Bikaeva

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



俄罗斯联邦, 1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043

I. Larionov

Kazan Federal University



俄罗斯联邦, 18, bld. 1, Kremlevskaya street, Kazan, 420111


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2. Fig. 1. Particle-size distribution: a – quartz sand; b – caustic dolomite

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3. Fig. 2. Photos of wetting quartz sand by test liquids: a, b – ethylene glycol and glycerin on the surface of the powder before activation; c, d – ethylene glycol and glycerin on the surface of the powder after activation

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