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Nº 3 (2024)


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Prefabricated construction

Tasks and Prospects for the Development of the Russian Construction Industry

Shembakov V.


The main requirements for modern housing are accessibility, quality and aesthetics. In construction, new requirements arise for the technology of manufacturing structures: a free layout with a ceiling height of 2.7 m or more; column pitch of 6 m or more; ceiling height of the first floor up to 8 m; a high degree of factory readiness and architectural aesthetics of the exterior walls. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a reduction in the weight of structures per 1 m2 of building area and an increase in installation speed. All these requirements can be fulfilled by the Recon technology, known in the practice of the construction industry in Russia and neighboring countries, which produces pre-stressed floor slabs up to 7.65 m long and unstressed floor slabs up to 7.2 m or more; efficiency structures, internal walls (IW) and external walls (EW) on universal stands 3.6; 4; 5.2 m × 60, 90, 120, 128 m in automatic mode, starting with laying concrete using targeted feeding, automatic vibration of the stand surface, grout of the upper surface and automatic heating of the stand. It is important to note that during the hydration of cement stone, the concrete laid on a universal stand does not move either horizontally or vertically, thereby ensuring high quality and density of the product.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Domestic Equipment and Diversification of Enterprises for the Production of Autoclave Aerated Concrete


Практический семинар «Отечественное оборудование и диверсификация предприятий для производства автоклавного газобетона» состоялся 7–8 февраля 2024 г. в Татарстане.

Организаторами семинара выступили ГК ШТАЙНБЛОК (г. Набережные Челны) – производитель технологического оборудования для выпуска железобетона и ячеистого бетона, и Центр ячеистых бетонов (Санкт-Петербург). Генеральное спонсорство взяла на себя ГК ЭЛТИКОН (Минск, Республика Беларусь). Информационным партнером стал журнал «Строительные материалы»®.

Проведение семинара поддержала Торгово-промышленная палата Набережных Челнов, а также ООО «ПРОФИТ-БЛОК» – новый завод, построенный на оборудовании ГК ШТАЙНБЛОК.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):9-10
pages 9-10 views

To Build Quickly, Profitably, and Efficiently Ensuring Russia’s Technological Sovereignty

Fotin O.


The advantage of frame buildings of socio-cultural purpose for the implementation of any social and commercial projects is noted. Proposals have been formulated to create a unified system of technical documentation that can be used by any designers, manufacturers of precast concrete and builders themselves for the entire construction complex of Russia. The main solutions of the RCD system (frame-link frame with diaphragms) are shown, examples of practical application of the RCD system are given. It is noted that the construction of buildings made of precast reinforced concrete, compared with monolithic construction, reduces the cost of construction by at least 20%; reduces construction time by more than half; reduces rebar consumption by at least 20%; reduces concrete consumption by at least 30%.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Modern concretes

The Increasing еhe Efficiency of Fiber Reinforced High-Strength Self-Compacting and Carcass Concretes

Erofeev V., Tarakanov O., Ananyev S., Lesnov V., Erofeeva I., Sanyagina Y., Sidorov N., Ananyeva Y.


The results of experimental and theoretical studies of fiber reinforced concretes are presented. The purpose of the research was to establish physical and mechanical properties of self-compacting, carcass concrete and fiber reinforced concrete. When performing the research, white cement was used as a binder. As a reactive additive was used white carbon black BS-100. Plasticizing of the system was carried out by polycarboxylate SP. To increase the volume of dispersed phase, the combined filler from rheologically active fine ground rocks was used, namely: quartz flour R-6, and microcalcite RM-5. To form the filled structure of the composite we also used fine sand PB-150, and at the first stage steel microfiber “BMZ” and glass fiber «Antikrek sp» were used as dispersed reinforcement. Dispersed reinforcement with glass fiber 0,15 mm diameter and 18 mm long, with volume reinforcement of 0,8% increased the composite compressive strength by 13,4%, flexural tensile strength by 12,8%. Dispersed reinforcement with metal fiber of 0,15 mm diameter and 15 mm length, at volume reinforcement of 4,2% contributed to increase the compressive strength by 46,5%, flexural tensile strength by 186,6%. Further increase in the strength of fiber concretes is possible by strengthening the anchorage of fibers in the matrix. Therefore, at the second stage, the influence of different types of metal fibres, differing in shape and type of anchor, on the properties of dispersed-reinforced concrete was established. An increase in flexural and compressive strength from the introduction of dispersed reinforcement of “Spring”, “Wave” and “Dramix” types is shown. The assumption of efficiency from application of fiber of “dumbbell-like” form in modern reaction-powder composites, and also manufacturing of materials with application of frame technology, consisting at first in formation of a frame from glued grains of large aggregate and then in impregnation of its empty matrix component, is put forward. Comparison of calculated and actual strength of fiber concretes is carried out.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Modeling of Accelerated Hardening of Self-Compacting Concrete by Methods of Mathematical Experiment Planning

Kastornykh L., Gikalo M., Kaklyugin A., Serebryanaya I., Kuzmenko D.


Studies have been performed simulating the processes of accelerated hardening of self-sealing concrete prepared on sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a polycarboxylate superplasticizer. As part of the concrete mix, construction waste was used – sand from crushed concrete as an enlarging component in an amount of 10% of the mass of fine aggregate. The Polyplast PC anionactive superplasticizer was used as a universal additive for precast and monolithic self-sealing concrete with a dosage consistent with the mineralogical and dispersed composition of sulfate-resistant Portland cement. For mathematical modeling of concrete hardening intensification processes, a two-factor simplex was adopted-a summarized plan on a hexagon inscribed in a circle, as the most convenient for solving prescription and technological problems of building materials science. The factors that most affect the physico-mechanical properties of self-sealing concrete after heat treatment were the duration of preliminary holding of concrete without coolant supply and the maximum heating temperature of concrete. During the implementation of the full factor experiment, the conditions of comparability were observed: a self–sealing mixture of the same composition was prepared, the rate of temperature rise was 10оC/h, and the total duration of thermal exposure was 15 hours. It has been found that the presence of an anionactive chemical additive and a mineral additive, which is part of Portland cement, slow down the setting processes of cement paste and concrete mixture. It was revealed that the retarding effect of the “sulfate-resistant Portland cement-superplasticizer” pair is explained by the spatial effect of the chemical additive and the grain characteristics of cement containing an easily grindable mineral additive. It is proved that the application of methods of mathematical planning of the experiment makes it possible to comprehensively assess the influence of prescription and technological factors on the strength characteristics of heat-treated self-sealing concrete. It was found that for the studied self-sealing concrete on sulfate-resistant Portland cement, the holding time before applying the coolant should be 4.8 hours, and the maximum heating temperature of concrete should not exceed 48оC.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Corrosion Resistance of Shotcrete under the Influence of Salt Solutions

Novikova U., Strokin K., Krasilnikova I.


The article describes the relevance of new scientific research on the corrosion resistance of shotcrete applied as a protective coating on building structures. A formulation has been developed for five compositions of shotcrete, consisting of a basic and additional binder, fillers and hardening accelerators. The size and nature of the pores of the manufactured samples, the development of destruction by changes in mass and strength are investigated. The physicochemical features of the corrosive destruction of some shotcrete compositions in solutions of sodium sulfate and sodium chloride have been established, and the diffusion coefficients of chloride ions and sulfate ions have been determined. The numerical values of the parameters limiting the mass transfer of calcium hydroxide during corrosion of shotcrete are determined: the coefficients of mass conductivity and mass transfer.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Physico-Chemical Methods for Studying Materials for the Production of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete

Akberova S.


In modern construction, almost only cement concretes are used for monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures and facilities, prepared, as a rule, on natural stone aggregates from dense rocks. One of the widespread and relatively cheap local materials used for the manufacture of concrete is a sand-gravel mixture. The issue of using local materials of Azerbaijan to produce concrete and reinforced concrete is being considered. The properties of monolith (Yardymli district), latite (Lerik district), magnetite (Dashkesan district) and alunite (Dashkesan district) for the production of concrete and reinforced concrete are given.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Gyrsum bullding materials

KNAUF Business Event in an Informal Setting

Абакумова Т.


19 марта 2024 г. В Москве компания КНАУФ организовала встречу ведущих журналистов отраслевых СМИ с членом управляющего комитета региона КНАУФ Россия и Беларусь Алексеем Сергеевич Зиминым, отвечающим за все аспекты деятельности по сбыту и маркетингу, а также являющимся генеральным директором компании «Армстронг Ворлд Индастриз», продвигающей потолочные и стеновые модульные системы под марками Knauf Ceiling Solutions и Armstrong.

Последний раз встреча в подобном формате проходила незадолго до пандемического локдауна. В этом году было принято решение в неформальной обстановке подвести итоги 2023 г., представить планы на 2024 г., обсудить тенденции рынка строительства и недвижимости, производство и сбыт строительных материалов и систем.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):41-42
pages 41-42 views

On the Mechanism of Destruction and Oxidation of Starch for the Production of Plasterboard Sheets (PBS)

Araslankin S., Shchankin M., Buryanov A., Nipruk O.


The technological process of PBS production requires careful control of the phase composition of the gypsum binder used, as well as compliance with the drying modes of the sheets. This is necessary in order to ensure the adhesion of the gypsum core to the cardboard and, as a result, to give the sheets the required mechanical and physical properties. The use of various kinds of modified starches in the production technology of PBS makes it possible to achieve the required adhesion with fluctuations in the phase composition of the binder and deviations in the drying mode of products. Considering this, it becomes obvious that the characteristics of modified starches have a significant effect on the quality of PBS. The study of existing standards regulating the quality indicators of starch derivatives showed the absence of parameters reflecting the effectiveness of their use in the production technology of PBS. In this paper, the structural features of the most widely used types of modified starch are considered. The paper summarizes information about the mechanism of adhesion of the gypsum core to cardboard, the factors influencing this process, the mechanisms of starch destruction and oxidation, and also offers a list of quality indicators of starch derivatives and the requirements for them. It is shown that the effectiveness of the use of modified starches in the production of PBS is achieved by regulating the direction and depth of the processes of destruction and oxidation.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Technologies and quipment

Geotechnical Practice of Construction on Unstable Slopes

Sokolov N.


The construction of facilities for various purposes in rugged areas in cramped urban conditions for builders is the main problem associated with solving geotechnical tasks of providing both the slope itself and buildings and structures of the surrounding development in the zone of geotechnical influence. Questions arise regarding the need to develop buried retaining structures. The article considers a case from the geotechnical practice of installing retaining structures using bored piles with diameters of 600 mm and 800 mm and ground anchors arranged using electric discharge technology (ERT anchors).

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):48-52
pages 48-52 views

VII International Scientific and Practical Conference Quality. Technologies. Innovation


13–15 февраля 2024 г. в Новосибирске успешно прошла VII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Качество. Технологии. Инновации», ежегодно организуемая Новосибирским государственным архитектурно-строительным университетом (Сибстрин), Региональным академическим научно-образовательным центром (РАНОЦ) и ЛКЗ «Колорит». В этом году конференция была приурочена к 90-летию кафедры строительных материалов, стандартизации и сертификации.

Партнером конференции выступила компания «Карачинский источник», а информационную поддержку взял на себя журнал «Строительные материалы»®. К проведению конференции в № 1–2 2024 г. была выпущена подборка статей ученых кафедры строительных материалов, стандартизации и сертификации.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):53-55
pages 53-55 views

On the 115 ʰᵗ Anniversary of Galina Ivanovna Knlgina


Галина Ивановна Книгина, которой 14 марта 2024 г. исполнилось бы 115 лет, родилась в чудесном старинном городке на Волге – Юрьевце (Ивановская обл.), прославленном многими своими уроженцами. Город Юрьевец – город великой истории (в 2025 г. он отметит 800-летие!), культуры и творчества. Его уроженцами были братья Веснины – русские и советские архитекторы, знаменитый советский режиссер-сказочник А.А. Роу; великий советский режиссер А.А. Тарковский учился здесь в начальной школе, когда жил у бабушки, он называл город родиной детства. Город служил источником вдохновения для многих известных художников: виды Юрьевца запечатлены на картинах А.К. Саврасова, И.И. Левитана, Б.М. Кустодиева, Е.Е. Лансере, А.Н. Бенуа.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Energy-Technology Indicators of a Multi-Drum Electric Furnace for Firing Vermiculite Concentrates

Nizhegorodov A.


The design and working process of a new electric drum furnace for heat treatment of vermiculite concentrates and conglomerates, as well as other bulk porous materials based on a silicate binder, are considered. The electric drum furnace is devoid of the disadvantages inherent in its predecessors – furnaces with a movable hearth platform: there are no oscillating elements, dynamic effects do not occur, and there is also no resonant mode of operation, since the working drums perform rotational motion with a constant angular velocity. Using the example of a six-drum furnace, the volumes of processed material located in the firing spaces are calculated, and the second and hourly productivity of the furnace (10 m3/h or 0.0029 m3/s) are determined. The temperature of the heating elements (1167 K) was calculated, the electric power of the furnace (95.2 kW) and the specific energy intensity of the firing process of vermiculite concentrate, with a dimension of 4 mm (0.004 m) from the raw materials of the Kovdorsky deposit – 44.2 MJ/m3, which makes the furnaces of the new design competitively capable, were determined.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Results of scientific research

The Contact Angles of Quartz and Caustic Dolomite Powders after Mechano-Magnetic Treatment

Ibragimov R., Korolev E., Bikaeva Y., Larionov I.


The determination of the surface free energy (SFE) is currently achieved using an instrumental method, one of which is «sessile drop». The surface free energy of quartz and caustic dolomite powders was defined before and after mechano-magnetic activation in the Vortex layer device. Free surface energy was identified by the well-known models proposed by the Owens–Wendt–Rabel–Kaelble (OWRK) and Van Oss–Chaudhury–Good (VOCG). The determination of the surface free energy (SFE) based on the presented model provides a good convergence: due to experimental assumptions, the deviation in calculation results is 14–16%. It was shown that mechano-magnetic treatment increased the adhesion of quartz powder by 86% (from 73 to 136 J/m2) and caustic dolomite by 217% (from 884 to 2800 J/m2). The mechano-magnetic treatment of study materials can significantly improve the interaction of the liquid with solid. This is evident from comparison of two attributes: the amount of change of specific interphase surface energy of a solid at the boundary with the gas per to change of specific surface of the powder and the change in the cosine of contact wetting angle per to a change in specific surface of the powder. This means the first value that represents the intensity of the interaction between liquids and solids multiplу greater than an integral characteristic of the interaction at the boundary of three phases. Such changes in geometric characteristics and surface properties are effective factors in structure formation control, especially hydration hardening.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Determination of the Residual Life of Rigid Road Pavements of Industrial Enterprises

Bondarev B., Bondarev A., Yartsev V., Zhidkov V.


Ehe main problems of determining the residual life of rigid road pavement structures of industrial enterprises are considered. An analysis of existing methods for determining the durability and residual life of highways of both rigid and non-rigid types of construction on public roads was carried out. As a result of the research carried out on the territory of the enterprise, an algorithm was proposed for calculating the residual life of the highway structure, based on changes in the longitudinal evenness of the pavement, the presence of defects and damages on the surface of the roadway, compaction of asphalt concrete layers, as well as the actual and calculated intensity of traffic flow. The study of auto-road pavement elements was carried out using the “Trassa” mobile road laboratory, and the determination of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials was carried out in the laboratory using modern research methods.

Construction Materials. 2024;(3):71-75
pages 71-75 views

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