Physico-Chemical Methods for Studying Materials for the Production of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete



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In modern construction, almost only cement concretes are used for monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures and facilities, prepared, as a rule, on natural stone aggregates from dense rocks. One of the widespread and relatively cheap local materials used for the manufacture of concrete is a sand-gravel mixture. The issue of using local materials of Azerbaijan to produce concrete and reinforced concrete is being considered. The properties of monolith (Yardymli district), latite (Lerik district), magnetite (Dashkesan district) and alunite (Dashkesan district) for the production of concrete and reinforced concrete are given.

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Sobre autores

S. Akberova

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Azerbaijão, 11 Ayna Sultanova Street, Baku, 1073, AZ


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. The crystal structure of magnetite taken from the territory of Dashkasan district (Dashkasansky)

Baixar (50KB)
3. Fig.2. The crystal structure of the phonolite taken from the Yardymli district

Baixar (49KB)
4. Fig. 3. The crystal structure of latite from the Lerik region

Baixar (38KB)
5. Fig. 4. Diffraction spectrum of the alunite mineral

Baixar (43KB)
6. Fig. 5. Diffraction spectrum obtained from a mixture of magnetite, sand, cement and water

Baixar (117KB)

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