Corrosion Resistance of Shotcrete under the Influence of Salt Solutions



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The article describes the relevance of new scientific research on the corrosion resistance of shotcrete applied as a protective coating on building structures. A formulation has been developed for five compositions of shotcrete, consisting of a basic and additional binder, fillers and hardening accelerators. The size and nature of the pores of the manufactured samples, the development of destruction by changes in mass and strength are investigated. The physicochemical features of the corrosive destruction of some shotcrete compositions in solutions of sodium sulfate and sodium chloride have been established, and the diffusion coefficients of chloride ions and sulfate ions have been determined. The numerical values of the parameters limiting the mass transfer of calcium hydroxide during corrosion of shotcrete are determined: the coefficients of mass conductivity and mass transfer.

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Sobre autores

U. Novikova

Sakhalin State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência


Rússia, 33, Kommunisticheskiy Avenue, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693008

K. Strokin

Sakhalin State University


Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Advisor to the RAASN

Rússia, 33, Kommunisticheskiy Avenue, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693008

I. Krasilnikova

Vladimir State University


Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Rússia, 87, Gorky Street, Vladimir, 600000


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Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Pore size distribution of various shotcrete mixtures: Dп – pore diameter, Å; dV/dDп – change in pore volume, dm³/kgconcrete

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3. Fig. 2. Changes in the concentrations of Ca²⁺ cations when samples are immersed in a solution of sodium chloride (а) and sulfate (b) for various samples

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