The Transfer Theory Application in the Thermal Insulation Materials Durability Research



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To ensure a sufficient level of thermal protection of buildings in accordance with Federal Law 261-FZ, mass heat insulation of newly erected and existing buildings began after 2009. The issues of changing the performance indicators of thermal insulation materials over time from the standpoint of energy efficiency of buildings are of great interest. The paper considers the issues of durability of insulation used in different regions of Russia. It is proposed to use an equation based on the theory of transfer for a comparative analysis of the performance indicators of thermal insulation materials. The proposed equation makes it possible to analyze data obtained by different authors using various research methods (laboratory experiments, field tests, forecasting properties using computer modeling). Using the transfer theory, changes in the coefficient of thermal conductivity and strength of heat insulation materials are investigated based on the results of studies of materials in a climate chamber and computer modeling. It has been established that the initial rates of change processes in strength and thermal conductivity coefficient have the same orientation for the data obtained by different authors, however, in absolute values the results differ significantly from each other, perhaps this is due to the inaccuracy of the initial data. In further work, it is proposed to conduct full-scale thermal imaging studies of materials, which will make it possible to adjust the values of the initial velocity and braking coefficient for different materials, taking into account climatic conditions. The calculated values of the initial velocity and the braking coefficient of the process will make it possible to predict with high accuracy the change in the operational parameters of the material over time.

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Sobre autores

T. Anikanova

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) 

Rússia, Moscow

A. Pogromsky

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov



Rússia, Belgorod

N. Pavlenko

Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS; Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University


Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) 

Rússia, Moscow; Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. Change in the operational characteristics of the insulation over time [12]: а – compressive strength; b – coefficient of thermal conductivity

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