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In preparing the manuscript, authors should follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

The Editorial Board can check the material using the Anti-Plagiarism system. In the case of multiple borrowings, the Editorial Board operates in accordance with COPE rules.


These have been compiled in view to “The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”, Developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

The journal “Terapevticheskiy Arkhiv” (Therapeutic Archive) publishes articles on all problems in internal medicine and on those related to other medical specialties.

It publishes editorials and original articles, brief communications, clinical notes, lectures, and reviews. All submitted materials are peer-reviewed and discussed by the editorial board. Authors do not pay a manuscript publishing charge.

General guidelines

A manuscript should be submitted in one copy typed in a standard 14 pitch-font, 1.5-spaced, on A4 paper (210x295 mm) with 2.5-cm margins on both sides of the text. The manuscript should include the following:

  • 1) title page;
  • 2) abstract;
  • 3) key words;
  • 4) introduction;
  • 5) subjects/materials and methods;
  • 6) results;
  • 7) discussion;
  • 8) references;
  • 9) tables;
  • 10) figure captions;
  • 11) illustrations.

Its pages should be numbered. Materials must also be electronically submitted with all components in the same file.

An official referral from the institution where the work has been done should be attached to the manuscript. The first page of the article should have the author’s (authors’) research supervisor visa certified by the round stamp of the institution; the last page should include all authors’ signatures.

The title page should contain the following: 1) the title of the article, which should be informative and rather concise; 2) the authors’ initials and surnames in Russian and English; 3) the full name of the institution and department (laboratory) (in Russian and English) where the work has been done. We recommend to check the correct spelling of the institution's name on the site https://grid.ac. If there are multiple authors who work at different institutions (in cities, towns), a list of these agencies should be provided with the authors’ digital references to their institution; 4) information about the authors: their surnames, full names and patronymics, affiliation, position, and telephone numbers of all authors, ORCID - recommended for all authors; 5) the surname, name, patronymic, full postal, e-mail addresses, ORCID* and telephone number of the author who is responsible for contacting the editorial staff; 6) running head (shortened title).

*If there is no ORCID number, you need to obtain it by registering at https://orcid.org/.

All original articles must have a structured abstract of 200 to 250 words, which includes the headings: objective, subjects/materials and methods, results, and conclusion. An unstructured annotation should be attached to clinical notes, lectures, and survey articles. The abstract or the annotation must provide 3 to 10 key words that allow the article to be indexed in the information retrieval systems.

Text structure and format guidelines

An original article should not exceed 8-10 pages (1 page contains 1800 characters with spaces); brief communications and clinical notes should be 3-4 pages; lectures and reviews should be 12-15 pages.

The original articles should have the following structure.

Introduction. This defines the objective of and a need for an investigation, briefly describes the current state of the problem with references to the most important publications.

Subjects/materials and methods. These provide the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of patients (examinees) and mention all techniques used in the investigation, including statistical methods for data processing. When equipment and novel drugs are mentioned, their manufacturers and country should be indicated.

Results. These should be sequenced logistically in the text, tables, and figures. The text should not repeat all the data from the tables and figures, but should mention only the most important data of them. The figures should not replicate the data given in the tables. Figure captions with designations should be appropriately numbered on a separate page. Units of measurements should comply with the International System of Units (SI).

Discussion. The authors must identify the new and important aspects of the results of their investigation and, where possible, to compare them with the data obtained by other investigators. The information already given in the section “Introduction” and detailed data in the section “Results” should not be repeated. Discussion may include sound recommendations and a concise conclusion.

Tables. Each table should be typed on a separate page and must have a name and a serial number in accordance with to its first mention in the text. Each table column should have a brief heading (abbreviations may be used). All explanations, including abbreviation expansion, must be placed in footnotes. Identify statistical methods used to represent the variability of data and difference significance.

Captions for illustrations. These should be typed on a separate page numbered in Arabic numerals according to the numbers of figures. The caption for each figure should consist of its name and a legend (explanations of the parts of a figure, symbols, arrows, and its other details). That for photomicrographs should indicate the degree of magnification.

Illustrations (figures, diagrams, photographs) should be presented on separate sheets; their number must be absolutely necessary. The back of illustrations must have the surname of the first author, the number of a figure, and an indication of its top. The figures must not be overloaded with textual inscriptions.

References (citation) should be typed on a separate sheet(s), state each reference by beginning a new line and giving an ordinal number. A list should enumerates all references according to the order of citation in the text, not in alphabetical order of the surnames of the first authors. When the individual surnames of the authors are mentioned in the text, these should be preceded by their initial (the surnames of foreign authors should be given in their original transcription). References should be indicated in the text by Arabic numerals in square brackets. A list of references should not include dissertation papers as their familiarization is difficult. When compiling a reference list, preference should be given to the works of Russian authors.

The list should be compiled in the following order: a) surnames of all authors of a book or an article; b) the title of a book or an article; c) imprint. Sometimes, editors or compilers may act as the authors of books. The surname of the last of them should be followed by “ed.’ in parentheses.

The bibliographic description of a book (after its title) should give the city or town (where it was published), followed by a colon and the publisher name, a semicolon and the year of publication. A reference to a book chapter should include first its authors and title followed by a point, a capital letter “In:”, and the surname(s) of author(s) or those who act(s) as its editor, then the title of the book, and its imprint.

The bibliographic description of a journal article (after its title) should give the abbreviated name of a journal and the year of publication (no punctuation symbol is put between them), then a semicolon and the issue of a Russian journal (its volume, as well as its number parentheses for foreign journals), a colon and the first and (a dash) last digits of pages.



1. Nicholls E.J. Heart and circulatory system: In: Daugirdas D.T. (ed.) Handbook of dialysis: Translated from English. Tver: Triada; 2003.

2. Nasonov E.L., Karataev D.E., Balabanova R.M. Rheumatoid arthritis. In: Nasonova V.A., Nasonov E.L. Rheumatology. A national manual. GEOTAR-Media 2008, 290—231.

3. Ringsven M.R, Bond. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses 2nd ed. Albany (N.Y.): Delmar Publishers; 1996.

4. Morrov D.A., Gersh B.J. Chronic coronary artery disease. In: Branwald E. Heart disease. Eighth edition. Philadelphia, Sanders; 1353—1418.


1. Gulyaev P.V., Stanke A.A., Vikhrov T.V., Ostrovskikh G.Yu. Role of daily hospital in the optimization of medical care to therapeutic outpatients. Ter Arkh 2012; 1: 8 – 12.

2. Rietsma P.H., Versteey H.H., Middeldorf S. Mechanism view of risk factors for venous thromboembolism. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32 (3): 563—568.

Please pay attention! The only correct form of doi-link:
Do not use «doi:», «dx.doi.org», etc. Within the link only hyphen is used.
There is no dot after doi and URL!

The editorial staff shall reserve the right to shorten and edit the article.

Articles previously published or submitted to another journal or collection must not be sent for publication.

Articles that have not been compiled according to the mentioned rules should be returned to their authors.




  • Absence of plagiarism.  The authors guarantee that this article has not been published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration or in the process of publication in another publication.

  • Correct manuscript format. Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

  • Anonymity. All information allowing to identify authors is removed from the text of the manuscript and from the metadata of the file.

  • Resume (abstract) is designed in accordance with the requirements and do not exceed the limit.

  • Illustrations. Tables and figures were placed within the text of the manuscript and have their titles.

  • Bibliography. The list of references is formatted in accordance with the requirements. All the cited sources were checked for DOI.

  • Supplementary files. The authors have prepared for transfer to the editor

    • file containing full information about the authors (Surname, first name, place of work, e-mail address);
    • Graphic files (photos, satellite images, graphics, etc.).
    • The authors are ready to upload these files to the journal website in Step 4 during the manuscript submission process.
  • The authors confirm that:

    • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
    • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors;
    • all co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to submit it for publication.


Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licensee (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to use published version of the work for educational and not-for-profit proposes (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the standart Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV'.

READ the details online (tap to see in details)

Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV'

The editorial board of the 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV' (ISSN 0040-3660 (Print), ISSN 2309-5342 (Online), mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС 77 - 31249 dated 29.02.2008) represented by editor-in-chief Irina E. Chazova, acting under the Charter (hereinafter referred to as the Licensee), on one side, and the representative of the authors' team (hereinafter referred to as the Licensor), on the other side, hereinafter together referred to as Parties, have concluded this agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) on publication of scientific work (hereinafter referred to as Work) in the 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV' (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) under the terms and conditions set forth below.

  1. General provisions
    • This Agreement under clause 2 Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as Offer), full and unconditional acceptance of which following Art. 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is deemed to be the submission by the Licensor of the Work by uploading it to the online electronic system for accepting manuscripts for review in the relevant section of the Journal's website on the information and telecommunication network Internet (hereinafter referred to as the Internet).
  2. Terms used in the Agreement
    • Acceptance of the Offer is full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer on the terms and conditions specified in paragraph 4 of the Agreement (the Licensor accepts the Offer by sending an Application to the Licensee — uploading the Work and accompanying materials in the online electronic system of acceptance of articles for review in the relevant section of the Journal's website on the Internet).
    • The Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal registered as a mass medium in the register of Roskomnadzor (the mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС 77 - 31249 dated 29.02.2008).
    • The Application is an electronic application of the Licensor to the Licensee for publication of the Work in the Journal by uploading the Work and accompanying materials to the online electronic system of accepting manuscripts for review in the relevant section of the Journal's website on the Internet.
    • The Licensor is an individual, a representative of the authors' group, by whose creative work the Work was created.
    • The Licensee is the Editorial Board of the mass medium 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV' represented by the Editor-in-Chief.
    • Metadata is information in Russian and English intended for inclusion in International Scientific Databases (ISDB), namely:
      • the title of the Work;
      • information about the authors (last name, first name, patronymic of the author (authors) in full, place of work of each author indicating his/her postal address, contact information (email), ISDB identifiers for each author;
      • abstract;
      • keywords;
      • subject heading: UDC or other library and bibliographic classification and subject indexes;
      • bibliographic list (references).
    • Offer is this document (offer to the Licensor) to publish the Work by posting it on the Journal's website.
    • Work is the result of fundamental and/or applied scientific research in the form of scientific material, review scientific material, scientific communication, bibliographic review on certain topics of scientific research, historical note on figures of Russian and foreign science, submitted by the Author for publication in the Journal.
    • Publication is placement of an Article in the Journal.
    • Article is a Work that has undergone the process of review and
    • editorial processing.
    • Parties are the Licensor and the Licensee.
    • Requirements for manuscripts are the requirements for materials published in the Journal, available in the "Authors" section of the Journal's website on the Internet.
  3. Subject of the Agreement (Offer)
    • Under this Agreement, the Licensor grants to the Licensee an exclusive license to use the Work, free of charge, within the limits and for the period specified in the Agreement.
    • The Licensor warrants that it holds the exclusive copyright in the Work transferred to the Licensee.
  4. Rights and obligations of the Parties
    • The Licensor grants c Licensee the following rights for the duration of the exclusive rights to the Work:
      • the right to review and, if the manuscript of the Work is accepted, to make literary and scientific editing and proofreading;
      • the right to reproduce the Work (to publish, make public, duplicate, replicate or otherwise reproduce the Work) without limitation of the number of copies (upon that each copy of the Work shall contain the name of the author of the Work);
      • the right to distribute the Work by any means throughout the world;
      • the right to post the Work in electronic format on the Journal's website;
      • the right to translate the Work into any languages;
      • the right of public disclosure;
      • the right to use the metadata (title, author's (copyright holder's) name, abstracts, bibliographic materials, etc.) of the Works by disseminating and making available to the public, processing, and systematization, as well as inclusion in various databases and information systems on the Internet in the public domain;
      • the right to assign, on contractual terms, some or all of the rights obtained hereunder to third parties without payment of remuneration to the Work.
    • Other rights not expressly granted to the Licensee hereunder, including patent rights in any processes, methods, or techniques and the like described by the Licensor in the Work, as well as trademark rights, are reserved by the Licensor and other rights holders.
    • The Licensee has the right to request, and the Licensor undertakes to provide, if necessary, source (raw) data as well as other information and documents required for an objective review of the manuscript of the Work and compliance with ethical standards of scientific and medical publications therein (e.g., copies of the ethics committee resolution, informed patient consent, etc.).
    • The Licensee undertakes to observe the copyrights stipulated by the current legislation, the Licensor's rights, as well as to protect them and to take all possible measures to prevent infringement of copyrights by third parties.
    • The territory in which the rights to the Works may be used is unlimited.
    • The Licensor also grants the Licensee the right to store and process the following personal data without a time limit for all authors of the Work:
      • name, patronymic, last name;
      • date of birth;
      • educational background;
      • information on the place of work and the position held;
      • information on the published works of literature, science and art;
      • the international identification number ORCID and the data contained therein.
    • Personal data are provided for their storage and processing in various databases and information systems, their inclusion in analytical and statistical reporting, the creation of a reasonable connection between the objects of science, literature, and art with personal data, etc.
    • The Licensee has the right to transfer this data for processing and storage to third parties, provided that the Licensee notifies the third party of this fact and provides information about the third party (name and address) to the Licensor.
  5. Warranties and responsibilities of the Parties
    • At the time of signing this Agreement, the Licensor warrants that it holds the exclusive copyright in the Work transferred to the Licensee and that at the time of granting the Licensee the right to the Work, it has not given any instructions that would conflict with the rights transferred to the Licensee under the Agreement.
    • The Licensor warrants that this Work has not been previously contractually transferred to anyone for reproduction or other use.
    • The Licensor warrants that the Work does not contain any copyrighted material of which it is not the copyright holder. If the Work incorporates copyrighted material owned by another person, the Licensor undertakes to obtain at its own cost and expense all necessary rights to use this material in the Work and to bear the property liability associated with the unauthorized use in the Work of copyrighted material belonging to other authors or other right holders. The Licensor agrees to indemnify the Licensee against all third-party claims caused by or arising out of any breach of the warranties and obligations stipulated above.
    • The Licensor confirms that it has read and understood the instructions for authors and the publication ethics for authors and typical examples of violations (including plagiarism, multiple submissions, improper authorship, and other examples of violations).
    • If any material in the Work is found which is not owned by the Licensor, or any other infringement in accordance with cl. 3.4. the Licensor may be denied placement of the Work. If the Work has already been published at the time such material or infringement is discovered, it may be revoked (retracted) or withdrawn entirely from the electronic version, in accordance with international and national guidelines and recommendations on publication ethics of scientific journals (including https://publicationethics.org and https://rasep.ru/sovet-po-etike/deklaratsiya).
    • The Licensee is not account for the content of the Work. In the event of disputes concerning the rights to the work, the Licensor takes full responsibility for the settlement of these disputes and bears moral and financial responsibility.
    • The Parties shall be liable, under the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement.
    • The Party that improperly performs or fails to perform its obligations hereunder shall be obliged to reimburse losses incurred by the other Party, including lost profits.
  6. Acceptance of the Offer and conclusion of the Agreement Term of the Agreement
    • This Agreement shall become effective on the date of its conclusion when the Licensor accepts the Offer by sending the Application to the Licensee and shall be valid for the duration of the exclusive rights to the Article.
    • Acceptance of the Offer by the Licensor creates an Agreement concluded in writing (Articles 438 and 1286.1 of the Russian Federation Civil Code) on the Offer conditions.
  7. Procedure for amendment and termination of the Agreement
    • The Licensee has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement by notifying the Licensor through the Journal's website or by sending a notice via e-mail to the e-mail address of the Licensor specified in the Application of the Licensor at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the effective date of the relevant changes. The amendments shall become effective on the date specified in the notice.
    • In case the Licensor disagrees with the changes in the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor has the right to send the Licensee a written notice of withdrawal from this Agreement by uploading the notice to the online electronic system of accepting articles for review available in the relevant section of the Journal's website) or sending the notice to the official e-mail address of the Editorial Board on the Internet)
    • This Agreement may be brought to an early termination:
      • by mutual consent of the Parties at any time;
      • on other grounds stipulated by this Agreement.
    • The Licensor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this Agreement by giving the Licensee a corresponding notice in writing not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the intended date of publication of the Work by the Licensor in the Journal.
    • Termination of the Agreement for any reason shall not relieve the Parties from liability for breach of the terms and conditions of the Agreement arising during the term of its validity.
  8. Liability
    • For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    • All information provided by the Licensor must be accurate. The Licensor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information transferred to the Licensee. When using inaccurate information received from the Licensor, the Licensee shall not be liable for any adverse consequences caused by its actions based on the provided inaccurate information.
    • Concerning the content of the Article, the Licensor shall be solely responsible for compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on advertising, protection of copyright and related rights, protection of trademarks and service marks, and protection of consumer rights.
    • The Licensee shall not have any liability under the Agreement:
      • for any actions resulting directly or indirectly from misconduct of the Licensor;
      • for any losses of the Licensor regardless of whether the Licensee could have foreseen the possibility of such losses or not.
    • The Licensee shall be exempt from liability for breach of the terms and conditions of the Agreement if such breach is caused by force majeure, including actions of public authorities (including the adoption of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, power outage and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances.
  9. Dispute settlement procedure
    • Disputes and disagreements shall be resolved by the Parties by negotiations and in case of failure to reach an agreement following the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    • In case of unresolved disputes between the Parties, the disputes shall be resolved in the court according to the location of the Licensee following the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  10. Other terms and conditions
    • Any notifications, messages, requests, etc. (except for the documents to be sent in the form of original copies under the legislation of the Russian Federation) shall be deemed received by the Licensor if they have been transmitted (sent) by the Licensee via the Journal's website (including by publication), by fax, by e-mail specified in the Application and other communication channels. The Parties acknowledge the legal validity of notices, messages, requests, etc., transmitted (sent) in the abovementioned ways.
    • In case of claims against the Licensee related to the infringement of exclusive copyright and other intellectual property rights of third parties in the creation of the Article or in connection with the conclusion of this Agreement, as well as in connection with the use of the Work by the Licensee in accordance with the Agreement, the Licensor shall be obliged:
      • immediately upon receipt of the Licensee's notice, take measures to settle disputes with third parties, if necessary, enter into litigation on the side of the Licensee and take all actions in its power to exclude the Licensee from the list of defendants;
      • reimburse to the Licensee the legal costs incurred, costs and losses caused by the application of measures of securing the claim and execution of a court decision, and amounts paid to a third party for violation of exclusive copyright and other intellectual property rights, as well as other losses incurred by the Licensee due to non-compliance with the guarantees provided by the Licensor under this Agreement.
  1. Registered office address and administrative details of the Licensee 
    • Editor-in-Chief, 'TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV'
      Irina E. Chazova
    • Publisher: Consilium Medicum
    • Address: Moscow, ul. Alabyan d. 13, k. 1, etazh 3, pom. XXVIIIA
    • Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7714456747;
      Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP): 774301001;
      Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1197746753137;
      Russian Business and Organization Classification (OKPO): 42874998.



The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.

