The new endothelin receptor antagonist macitentan: Prospects for therapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension




Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a clinical group of severe and rare diseases with similar morphological, hemodynamic, and therapeutic characteristics. One of the novel drugs to treat PAH is macitentan, a new double endothelin ETA and ETB receptor antagonist that is characterized by special physicochemical properties, ensuring the penetration of the drug into tissues and its improved receptor-binding properties. The SERAPHIN trial has demonstrated that therapy with macitentan 10 mg versus placebo statistically significantly reduces the risk of poor outcomes and death by 45%. The treatment with macitentan 10 is observed to be highly effective regardless of the presence/absence of basic PAH-specific therapy. The drug considerably improves clinically important outcomes, including 6-minute walk distance and WHO functional class. Macitentan exerts a steady-state therapeutic effect, by improving pulmonary hemodynamics. Macitentan 10 mg statistically significantly reduces the risk of PAH, frequency of its related hospitalizations, and the number of days spent in hospital. The drug has a favorable safety profile; its most common side effects are headache, nasopharyngitis, and anemia. Macitentan is an effective first-line drug to improve long-term outcomes in patients with newly and previously diagnosed PAH.


S Avdeev


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