Effect of cytoflavin on the clinical and autonomic-psychological manifestations of hypertensive disease




Aim. To evaluate the impact of incorporating cytoflavin in a treatment regimen for patients with different stages of hypertensive disease (HD). Subjects and methods. The results of treatment were analyzed in 140 patients with HD (53 with Stage I, 50 with Stage II, and 37 with Stage III). According to the treatment regimen, the patients were divided into 2 groups. A study group (n=74) received combination treatment involving antihypertensive therapy and cytoflavin intravenously dropwisely in a single dose of 200 ml of 5% glucose solution for 10 days, then 2 tablets twice daily for 60 days, with a total cycle time being 70 days. A comparison group (n=66) had antihypertensive therapy only. Thirty apparently healthy individuals (a control group) were examined to have reference values. All the patients were examined using conventional clinical and laboratory studies. The patients’ complaints and neurological status were assessed using respective questionnaires over time — before and after treatment. Results. The incorporation of cytoflavin in a treatment regimen was ascertained to reduce the degree of anxiety, depressive, dissomnic, and cognitive disorders, improves quality of life in patients with Stage I HD, and lowers the degree of asthenic and autonomic disorders in all disease stages. Conclusion. The found efficacy and safety of the drug may recommend its incorporation in combination therapy regimens for Stages I—III HD.


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